Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Live as Though You are Dying

Today I learned of the deaths of 3 people who I considered my friends. The first was Carol, the second Donna and the third Chuck. It seems no matter which way we turn lately, someone is leaving. Some we know are headed to a far better place, others we wonder. It's not for us to judge, but it certainly causes us to take a good look at our own lives.
I am a firm believer that now more than ever, we must take time with each other and do the things that are most important. All too quickly our biological clocks can stop ticking and our time on earth through. We must make the best of every moment.
I'm not afraid of dying, I'm just not ready to go yet. I want to see my grandchildren. I would like to grow old with my husband.
As I spent last week in the hospital with Gramma, I was reminded just how fragile life is. Likewise, that the Bible says our days are numbered and our time is set. It's inevitable, we are all going to die; we just don't know when. The truth is we are like a vapor, here today, and gone tomorrow.
Why not live life to the fullest? Why not live as though you are dying?

Monday, September 29, 2008

He Will Give You the Desires of Your Heart

I am an awful typist. I have no idea how many words I can type per minute because I am unable to take a typing test. I freak out whenever I attempt one, and as a result, make tons of mistakes. I have been practicing, by typing the Lord’s Prayer over and over. I know the prayer by heart but still am unable to type it without errors.

I remember vividly my typing class in high school. It had to have been one of my worst subjects, yet I love to write. I never could get it right even back then. I often think of writing by hand but if you saw my penmanship you’d understand clearly why I don’t. If C-‘s and D’s explain anything, those were my penmanship grades all throughout elementary school!

Then why do you suppose God gave me the desire to write? I have no idea, but lovingly I accept the challenge! It is my passion. Ever since I was a young woman, my desire was to be an author. As a teen I spent classroom study time with pen in hand. And to say the least, my writings were not focused on the subject of the hour. Mostly, I wrote my feelings on paper. I wrote of what interested me: poetry, love stories, and the like. I wrote of teenage hurts, and growing pains. Unfortunately, they somehow got lost when I moved from my childhood home.

When God wrote my story; He never lost a single page. He wrote it on His heart and daily He’s fulfilling the plan He specifically laid out for me.

In Psalm 139 beginning in verse 13 David speaks:
“For you created me in my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them. Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. When I awake, I am still with you.” (NIV verses 13-18)

I love Psalm 139, every part of it. This poem speaks of the fact that God searches our deepest part, our heart. He knows every thought, every desire, and every care. He knows more about us than we know about ourselves. The fact that he knit me in my mother’s womb is amazing to me! He knows all there is to know about me. He knew before I was even thought of that I would love to write (but hate to type). And He knew I would desire to be a mother more than anything else (and He blessed me with four beautiful children). He knew that I would love Him and His Word; and I am so grateful He created me this way. He’s given me more opportunities to serve Him through writing than I ever dreamt possible.

Without Him, I am inadequate; I can do nothing on my own.
Without Him, I am fragile; able to break at any moment.
Without Him I am alone; no true friends in sight.
With Him I lack nothing; He is more than enough.
With Him I am strong; He overcomes my weaknesses.
With Him I have a friend; He’s my number one “Best Friend”.
And His promise is: He will never leave me alone.

I acknowledge Him as Lord and Savior, and Son of the Most High God. I believe He died for my sins, and He has risen from that death. I am certain He is alive, and sitting on God’s Throne. For these reasons I am privileged to be called His daughter, His child. My name is written in His great book of life, never to be blotted out.

I have been made in His image; I am a reflection of Him. I do what He does and say what He says. And just like He, I am a writer. Just as He desired to write my story, my desire is to write about Him.

Praise God, His Word says in Psalm 37 verse 4: “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” NIV

I delight in Him. I love him. My heart’s desire is to tell the world of His great love.
What is your heart’s desire? Delight yourself in Him and watch Him do what he does best.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Piercing on Duty 24/7

As i was digging through my desk drawer today I ran across a column that I wrote several months ago and decided to post it on my blog. I hope you enjoy it.

“But He was pierced through for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities, the chastening for our well-being fell upon Him and by His scourging, we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5 NASB)

The other day as I was driving on Highway 27, I saw a sign that read, “Piercing on duty.” As I do with most everything I see or read I began to analyze it in order to learn what exactly the advertiser was trying to say. It was quite obvious that the maker of the sign had one goal in mind and that was to take home some cash that day. No doubt this Pierce Artist was trying to drum up business for himself. Hopefully it worked and his piggy bank now runneth over.

Growing up, in my home piercing was not an option, at least not until we were high school age. Even though we had a house full of girls my parents did not believe in the act. In fact I, in the secret of my bedroom, pierced my own ears at the ripe age of 17 and just in time for Senior Prom. When my mom found out I pierced my own ears, she wanted hers done also. Doing my own wasn’t so bad but piercing my mom’s was like major surgery, I was scared! I did what I did before, ice, needle, push and ahh, they were beautiful!

Nowadays, as soon as a little girl exits the womb it seems, someone’s putting a gun to her ears. Maybe the reasoning is so people can tell her gender; kind of like taping little pink bows on your daughter’s head if she is lacking in the hair department. But things are different today. Both genders are wearing stones in both ears, that’s just the way it is. And you don’t have to look too hard to find piercing in places that back in some of our days would be unheard of. I guess we live in a free country and people need to express themselves, to each his own. In one way or another we all get our ideas and passions out. Praise God I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to put mine on paper.

When I think of piercing, one thing comes to mind and that is the greatest of all piercing. The day my Savior, Jesus Christ took the nails for me and for you was the greatest moment of all. That day many years ago, Jesus paid the ultimate price for our freedom. He surrendered His will, took on the form of a criminal and was crucified to death so we could be set free. Every sin we’ve ever committed as well as those to come, are wiped clean because of His willingness to die; providing we accept the gift. And, to top it all, on the third day after His death He was resurrected to the Heavens where He sits today pleading to God the Father on our behalf.

Why did He do it? He didn’t have to. He could have stopped it all. He had the power to put an end to the whole thing. But He didn’t. He didn’t because He had you and me in mind. He knew we were coming, He knew were sinners and would need a Savior. He chose us before we were born. He knew how messed up we would be. He knew in the midst of our distress, we would turn to Him. When we couldn’t handle life any more, when our baggage was too great to bear, He knew. He knew exactly what it would take and in confidence He patiently waited. Aren’t you glad? I am.

For twenty-three years now I’ve been a Christian. I surrendered desperately, back then, pleading His forgiveness. I was a mess. My life was in shambles. I was insecure and searching. Searching for at the time only God knew what. All it took was one look. One look in the eyes of my loving Savior and I became a free woman. The roads I’ve traveled since then haven’t all been smooth and I’ve encountered an avalanche or two along the way, but when I look over these past years I know without a doubt, my steps have been ordered by the Lord.
Gratefully, I take each one knowing that without Him I cannot and will not be the woman He has called me to be. Without the love of the One whose hands and feet were pierced for my sins, without the One who spent hours hanging on a tree, without His resurrected body, I’d have no hope. We’d have no hope.

So, if we want to talk about piercing on duty, let’s talk about Jesus. He’s on duty 24/7 and His piercing lasts through eternity. Why not stop in and see his beautiful work for yourself.

Friday, September 26, 2008

My Forever Friend

At 94 years old Gramma has had her share of sick bouts. This week she landed in the hospital for three days; but thankfully she is okay and back home again.
She is beautiful to me all 85 pounds of her. I love to sit and converse about old times and what once was. I love reminiscing about our life on the farm, as we call it. I remember the many coffee breaks, and dinners. I remember the time she taxied me to the hospital when I was in labor with Phil. I remember her always being there for us when we needed her. I have been truly blessed to have known her for the past 30 years and would be even more blessed to know her another 30. Sometimes I worry that she doesn't have much time left. I try to spend every moment possible with her, but with a busy schedule it's hard. The best I can do is cherish every moment and make each one special for her. I love to hear her laugh and talk of "the best times of her life" as she puts it. I thank God He brought her into my life many years ago. I thank Him also that He has allowed her to remain my friend, even though the ties that brought us together have been severed.
"A friend loveth at all times." Proverbs 17:17
Truly gramma has proven that she's my forever friend!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

See You at the Pole

Wednesday morning (yesterday) was "National Prayer at the Pole Day" and I was privileged to attend, at Sebring High School. What an awesome experience. There were at least 100+ students and teachers gathered around the pole; worshipping in prayer to God. With reverence the band honored their King as they played instruments and sang songs and no doubt the by-standers got a glimpse of what it means to love an amazing God. It was a breath of fresh air to watch these youth engage in love to their Savior; as peers watched with eyes wide open. It's living proof that there are groups of young adults, who are not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Several of these students performed a skit showing how SIN, when allowed to enter a life can take that life over but just as important they showed how, with God, it every sin can be overcome.

"No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it." NISB

Monday, September 22, 2008

One week ago today...

It's hard to believe it's been a week already since Clay left for the United Staes Army! He is now a US Soldier! The pics reflect how we spent our last day together. The six of us went ot Tampa, had dinner at Kobe's and just enjoyed each other. A memory we will all treasure. Top is Megan and Clay, mom and Jim, next Marissa and Chris, next all six of us at KOBE's and next Megan and Clay holding Clay's Army Credentials, and bottom of course the two "lovebirds" (aren't they a cute couple?)

Pulling weeds is hard work

Today I dug up all the plants in our side garden next to the house. I am not a gardener and I absolutely despise yard work. That is not one of my hobbies. Maybe when I grow older I will feel differently about it but for now I can take it or leave it, and leaving it sounds good to me rightnow.
Anyway, I'd been wanting to get those plants out of there for several months. In fact Clay and I started the task before he left but never got it finished. Now i can come and rest knowing that I accomplished my mission. It's not that i don't like plants rather the fact that I don't like the weeds that grow along with them. If untended a garden that once was beautiful flowers can end up a garden of weeds.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Let's turn on the lights

As I promised,
here are a couple more pics of Maple. It's as if we turned on the lights. One with her mommy Megan and the other a very good shot. As you can see, she is quite cute and very friendly.
Her mommy Megan, is our son Clay's girlfriend and she is lots cuter than Maple! In fact she is in my opinion beautiful and her personality matches her looks! We are blessed to have her as a close and important part of our family! We love you Megan!!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Meet Maple

Meet Maple,

I met her last night and she is soooo cute! Last night I grunted to her and she grunted back. It was like we were having our own conversation together! Even though I didn't know what she what she was saying to me or what I was saying to her, we were bonding in a piggy/ friend kind of way.

Maple is Megan and Miranda's little piggy. She weighs about 70+/_ lbs and is being raised as a 4H project to sell at the Highlands County Fair next February. This program is great for teaching students the responsibility of raising animals for a living. The girls must care for, feed, exercize and bathe their pet as well as: talk to, kiss and love her in order for her to grow strong and healthy. I think that is an awesome task.

Hopefully I will figure out how to download my pics from my Digital camera and send a better pictures later.

Why did I show you this? Because just as Megan and Miranda are taking care of their little piggy so does God is taking care of us everyday. He feeds, nurtures and provides all we need to live this life to the fullest. Think about that and have a great day!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Only He can bring him home safely

Well the countdown has ended. Yesterday we drove our son Clay to Tampa and he didn't change his mind (we didn't think he would). He's off to Fort jackson South Carolina and now belongs to the United States Army! A day that I must say was both exciting and emotional. Jim, myself, Chris, Marissa, and Megan escorted him to the MainSail Hotel; said our goodbyes, shared some tears and bid him blessings. It's going to be a long ten weeks, but with God's grace we all will make it through.
I think the biggest thing for me is the unknown. Not knowing what he is doing and if he's okay, whether he's lonely and needs an ear, and the biggest what happens after 8 months?
Even though I know who is in control of Clay's life; the One who calls all the shots, it is still a difficult place to be as a mother. I suddenly have bigger fears, bigger worries, and yes, bigger prayers to pray! And I am thankful knowing that my God hears every cry.
I Peter 5:7 reads: Casting all your care upon Him for He cares for you.
Every care, every worry, every fear, when I place them in the Master's hand do not go unnoticed! He is the only One who can lift Clay up and keep him safe. My trust, my hope and my strength in in Christ alone. Without Him, I could't make it through this time in my life.
When your child goes off to college or moves out of the house, it's hard enough (We've experienced 3 already). But, when your child decides to serve his country, when he agrees to lay down his life in whatever capacity deemed fit, when he gives up everyday luxuries, physical relationships (for a while), and the pillow he's had for years, that's commendable. When your child believes this is where he has been called, the best thing to do is love and support him. Pray without ceasing, lifting him up to his Maker, because only He has the power to bring him home safely.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Headed for Boot Camp

I am extremely proud of our son Clay. Nearly two weeks ago he made his final decision to join the United States Army. What an honor to have a son in this day and time, willing to boldly, without reserve, choose to serve his country, knowing the difficulties he may face.But, even though I am proud, I must confess I feel like my worst nightmare is coming true. My emotions have taken over and it seems these days I can rarely keep a dry eye. I remember about 3 months ago sitting in the recruiter's office- tears running down my face wishing I could wake up from this bad dream. All I could think of, was my youngest could be deployed. Though I still have those fears I know God is in control. I must surrender and place my once little boy, now grown up man; into the only hands that are able to protect him from harm. I am certain that I can speak for all moms in my shoes by saying that this is a tall order to fill. It is one that requires extreme faith and undivided trust.
I thank God that through Him I have the faith and trust I need. In Him I have the strength to face each day. In Christ I can do all things because the Word of God states that very fact. Even though there are circumstances beyond my control I know the Maker of the Universe has full control. He has my and my son’s best interest in mind.

As a mother it hurts to know that someday my child may be farther away than I desire and quite possibly stationed on enemy territory. It grieves me that I won’t be able to pick up the phone and hear his voice quite easily. My heart aches of the fact that he won’t be a hop skip and jump away. As parents we don’t realize how fast time flies until it’s gone. We rarely think that our little ones will soon be grown-ups, living their own lives and doing adult things. We take for granted that today they are here but tomorrow may be gone. Each day I awake I become more aware of that very fact. But as many kind people have encouraged; I must believe that he is in good hands and that he will be fine.
I ask each of you as you read this to please say a prayer for Clay and the many other young men who’ve decided to serve their country as well as for the many who will be making that decision in the near future. They deserve our love, respect and prayers as they commit to risk their lives so we may remain free!
Clay is scheduled to leave September 15th, all too quickly for me but not soon enough for him. His decision to serve our great country took great courage and is an honorable one beyond measure. May God keep him safe and safely bring him home.