I was struggling with the fact that I did not have tickets to this year's SHS Graduation. You see my biological children have already graduated but I have quite a few (girls) that God has placed in my path to love, nurture and minister to. For the past three years I have been involved with what is known as GirlTalk sponored through Youth For Christ, at Sebring High School. And this year several of the girls I've come to know and love have graduated, meaning they will still very much be a part of my life but just not in the YFC GirlTalk arena. So obviously, I wanted to be there for their big day! I had obtained tickets from a couple of the girls for the guest side but that is not where I wanted to be. It was just like God to provide, at the last minute, a ticket for me and I was able to sit in the front row right in eye view of the stage! I love it when He does things like that! And what an exciting Graduation it was. I am so proud of all of God's young ladies (and men) who made it thus far!
I am amazed at how in tune God is with my desires and my needs. He is so awesomely good to me! Unfortunately, there are times in which I fail to see His goodness. Father, I pray that I will always be able to see your goodness in my life. Lord never allow me to take for granted all that You have brought me through and continue to keep me from. I desire to honor you with my life and all that I am. Thank you for Your unfailing love towards me. Amen
Thank you for opening my blog and actually reading it! I love what I do and that is write. My prayer is that whoever opens and reads the words on these pages, will be blessed, changed, and inspired.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
Words of Encouragement to the Class of 2008
Today was our final Girl Talk meeting at Sebring High School for the 2007/2008 school year. As this year comes to a close bringing exciting new beginnings for Graduates as well as a summer of thrills for underclassmen, I encourage all to remain focused. Keep your eyes on the good things that have been set before you. I am aware that many may not fall into the “Christian” category. I am equally aware that many of you do. Whether or not you call yourself a believer in Jesus Christ, this message is for you, so please read on.
Seniors, let’s be honest, even though this year carries many fond memories, let’s face it; it also bears a few you’d rather forget. Like the time you and your sweetie broke up or your term paper landed you a zero or the time you had a discrepancy with a teacher and spent lunch hour in ISS. Some of you lost a loved one or witnessed the break up of your parents. Maybe your test scores weren’t good enough and you’re forced to remain in Highlands County for a couple more years (sad for you but a relief for your parents). These things are big issues at this stage of your life. It is okay to have feelings of disappointment. But let me offer you some words of encouragement.
Isaiah 55 verses 6-12 states: “Seek the Lord while He may be found; call on Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way and the evil man his thoughts. Let him turn to the Lord and the Lord will have mercy on him and to our God, for He will freely pardon. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” NIV
Now that is a lot to take in but in my opinion this is what God is saying. In life we will always have ups and downs. While the ups are always good the downs are sometimes hard to bear. Our instruction here is this: seek God in the good times and bad. He is always in control. Whether it’s deciding which college to attend or which girl to ask on a date, seek His face. When life hits you hard or when blessings overflow, seek His face. When you suddenly become friendless or when friends are too many, seek His face and remember He is the friend that sticks closer than a brother! When your boyfriend breaks up with you, or your dad leaves home or when you’ve found the love of your life or your parents get back together, seek His face. Open your arms to the Lover of your soul, drink of His mercy; be consumed by His grace. He is waiting for you. He knows your aches, He knows your fears. He feels your joys and is aware of your accomplishments. He knows you better than anyone else does, even better than you know yourself.
Jeremiah 29:11-13 resonates: “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”
This popular scripture is often inscribed on Graduation gifts and those of encouragement. Here God is promising the Jewish captives in Babylon that in seventy years their captivity will be over and they will return to the land but for now, because they refused to listen to His words they must pay the price. I believe what He is saying to us is that even though rough times may come sometimes due to our foolish mistakes and sometimes not, He promises us hope.
He desires a relationship with us. He longs to meet our needs. His ears are always open and His heart never grows weary. He will always be our friend but we have to do our part. We must seek Him with every ounce of our being.
As you walk through those big doors to a future of new beginnings and fresh challenges, why not seek His face, diligently, earnestly and wholeheartedly. If this is something new to you, try it you might like it. If it is something you are already familiar with, great, go ahead and do it once more. Do it with an open mind and open heart and be ready for the journey of your life! May God bless you all.
Let’s talk.
Terri can be reached at terriotterman@hotmail.com
Seniors, let’s be honest, even though this year carries many fond memories, let’s face it; it also bears a few you’d rather forget. Like the time you and your sweetie broke up or your term paper landed you a zero or the time you had a discrepancy with a teacher and spent lunch hour in ISS. Some of you lost a loved one or witnessed the break up of your parents. Maybe your test scores weren’t good enough and you’re forced to remain in Highlands County for a couple more years (sad for you but a relief for your parents). These things are big issues at this stage of your life. It is okay to have feelings of disappointment. But let me offer you some words of encouragement.
Isaiah 55 verses 6-12 states: “Seek the Lord while He may be found; call on Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way and the evil man his thoughts. Let him turn to the Lord and the Lord will have mercy on him and to our God, for He will freely pardon. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” NIV
Now that is a lot to take in but in my opinion this is what God is saying. In life we will always have ups and downs. While the ups are always good the downs are sometimes hard to bear. Our instruction here is this: seek God in the good times and bad. He is always in control. Whether it’s deciding which college to attend or which girl to ask on a date, seek His face. When life hits you hard or when blessings overflow, seek His face. When you suddenly become friendless or when friends are too many, seek His face and remember He is the friend that sticks closer than a brother! When your boyfriend breaks up with you, or your dad leaves home or when you’ve found the love of your life or your parents get back together, seek His face. Open your arms to the Lover of your soul, drink of His mercy; be consumed by His grace. He is waiting for you. He knows your aches, He knows your fears. He feels your joys and is aware of your accomplishments. He knows you better than anyone else does, even better than you know yourself.
Jeremiah 29:11-13 resonates: “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”
This popular scripture is often inscribed on Graduation gifts and those of encouragement. Here God is promising the Jewish captives in Babylon that in seventy years their captivity will be over and they will return to the land but for now, because they refused to listen to His words they must pay the price. I believe what He is saying to us is that even though rough times may come sometimes due to our foolish mistakes and sometimes not, He promises us hope.
He desires a relationship with us. He longs to meet our needs. His ears are always open and His heart never grows weary. He will always be our friend but we have to do our part. We must seek Him with every ounce of our being.
As you walk through those big doors to a future of new beginnings and fresh challenges, why not seek His face, diligently, earnestly and wholeheartedly. If this is something new to you, try it you might like it. If it is something you are already familiar with, great, go ahead and do it once more. Do it with an open mind and open heart and be ready for the journey of your life! May God bless you all.
Let’s talk.
Terri can be reached at terriotterman@hotmail.com
Sunday, May 25, 2008
In my own little corner
"In my own little corner, in my own little room I can be whatever I want to be."
I think those are the words to the famous Cinderella song at least that's how I remember them.
Have you ever dreamt of being something you know is totally absurd or out of line for you? Have you ever desired a thing that would affect your life in a tremendous way and then quickly erased the thought because it seemed too far fetched?
The Bible states that He (meaning God) gives us the desires of our hearts when we live a life that is totally focused and honoring Him. Actually,
Psalm 37 verse 4 reads this way in the Amplified version: "Delight yourself also in the Lord and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart."
I looked up the word delight in the trusty Webster's dictionary and this is what it says: a high degree of gratification; something that gives you great pleasure; to give keen enjoyment; to give joy or satisfaction to.
So, if I give great joy to my Lord, He will grant my deepest longings right? Not so fast. As long as, at least I believe it is in line with His Word and not some off the wall evil selfish notion. Okay now that we got that cleared up, what does it mean to give great joy to God? If I disobey His commands, does that mean I am making Him happy? Or if I do all that He requires of me, then will I satisfy Him?
What God wants more than anything from us is not only our strictest obedience of His laws but also and maybe even more than obedience, a relationship with Him. He desires intimacy with each of us and that is big in itself. In order to be intimate with Him we must get to know Him. In getting to know Him we must spend time with Him. As we spend time with Him through talking or praying to Him, by reading and studying His Word, bu trusting Him tomeet all our needs and fully surrenderingour will to Him, we can't help but get to know Him . All these bring us into a closer relationship with Him.
In order to maintain a healthy relationship with our spouse or significant other we must take time for them and show them that we care about them. We must do sweet things for them that make themhappy and let them know they are on our mind throughout the day. The same goes for Christ. In doing these things, we delight not only our spouse but god as well.
Why not make the choice today to delight in your God and see what blessigs flow. Maybe just maybe that desire you've been carrying deep down in your heart may become your reality after all (of course if the right motives are in tact).
I think those are the words to the famous Cinderella song at least that's how I remember them.
Have you ever dreamt of being something you know is totally absurd or out of line for you? Have you ever desired a thing that would affect your life in a tremendous way and then quickly erased the thought because it seemed too far fetched?
The Bible states that He (meaning God) gives us the desires of our hearts when we live a life that is totally focused and honoring Him. Actually,
Psalm 37 verse 4 reads this way in the Amplified version: "Delight yourself also in the Lord and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart."
I looked up the word delight in the trusty Webster's dictionary and this is what it says: a high degree of gratification; something that gives you great pleasure; to give keen enjoyment; to give joy or satisfaction to.
So, if I give great joy to my Lord, He will grant my deepest longings right? Not so fast. As long as, at least I believe it is in line with His Word and not some off the wall evil selfish notion. Okay now that we got that cleared up, what does it mean to give great joy to God? If I disobey His commands, does that mean I am making Him happy? Or if I do all that He requires of me, then will I satisfy Him?
What God wants more than anything from us is not only our strictest obedience of His laws but also and maybe even more than obedience, a relationship with Him. He desires intimacy with each of us and that is big in itself. In order to be intimate with Him we must get to know Him. In getting to know Him we must spend time with Him. As we spend time with Him through talking or praying to Him, by reading and studying His Word, bu trusting Him tomeet all our needs and fully surrenderingour will to Him, we can't help but get to know Him . All these bring us into a closer relationship with Him.
In order to maintain a healthy relationship with our spouse or significant other we must take time for them and show them that we care about them. We must do sweet things for them that make themhappy and let them know they are on our mind throughout the day. The same goes for Christ. In doing these things, we delight not only our spouse but god as well.
Why not make the choice today to delight in your God and see what blessigs flow. Maybe just maybe that desire you've been carrying deep down in your heart may become your reality after all (of course if the right motives are in tact).
Saturday, May 17, 2008
What a fun day!
Today Jim and I decided to ride our bicycles to the Henscratch Farms Winery. What fun! It was about 3 miles round trip from our house so it didn't take all that long traveling there. When we got to the farm it was extremely busy. Lots of folks enjoying their Saturday; sitting around listening to fiddle pickers and slirping fresh blueberry milkshakes. We even saw a few of our friends who came out for the festivities. There was supposed to be a blueberry bash today, not sure what that actually is, but I guess it got cancelled due to not enough blueberries on the bushes. We met a new couple nam
ed Cindy and Stan and invited them to Grace Bible Church. They just moved here from Indiana, I wish them well.
When we returned home we had a nice relaxing afternoon by the pool and then headed to dinner with the family at the Thai House restaurant in honor of Jim and Sheila's birthdays. Afterwards we went to church to praise of Lord and Savior, off to Home Depot and then back home for the evening.
Friday, May 16, 2008
What a busy week
Wow, here we are it's Friday and the week is nearly over. I think this has been my busiest. Let's begin with Sunday: Of course I attended church and then to breakfast followed by all the children over for Mother's Day and afterwards a trip to see Gramma at SunnyHills. Monday was Ladies Bible Study, then to Florida Hospital for paperwork and to the Social Security to apply for a copy of my SS card (needed for employment) followed by dnner and a quiet evening at home. Early Tuesday Up and heading to Fl. Hosp for a physical then off to SHS for GirlTalk, afterwards shopping for food and home as usual. American Ido was down to 3 and they did their thing. Wednesday morning I headed to toen to Back in touch for a fabulous Reflexology treatment by Claire, then to my daughter's to pick up some stuff to drop off at my sister's house, then to Lake Placid to see my brother and pick up something at the Post Office, home for a littlewhile and then to Bill ansSusie Chew's for Bible Study. Idol dropped Syesha tonight and now it's down to the two Davids. Thursday early to rise to FL Hosp to have my TB test evaluated followed by a trip to Ft. Myers to visit with Dr. Kovaz,have a Mammogram, and ahh a night at The Melting Pot Restaurant, what fun! Friday I stayed home the whole entire day and Cleaned our house! what a mess 3 people and a cast can make, it's incredible! And here we are.
What a busy week!! Praise God He gives me strength when I am weak!
What a busy week!! Praise God He gives me strength when I am weak!
Monday, May 12, 2008
The Best Mother's Day Gift of Them All!

42 years ago this baby was born in Jamestown Indiana to his lovely mother. I am quite certain that it must have been the best Mother's day of her life. Jim, my husband, is very good to his mother. He truly obey's God's commandment that says honor your father and your mother! So yesterday was not only Mother's Day but also Jim's Birthday and that made the festivities even better. 3 of our children and their significant 0thers came over as well as our grand puppy. We swam had lunch and had a great visit with them all. We also went to see my 94 year old beauty, Gramma. She is truly a special lady in my life. My prayer is that all of you had a blessed day yourselves and that you remembered your mother and granmothers. I was unable to see my mom this year but did talk to her. She had a nice quiet day, per her request and I know she was in her element! May God richly bless her! She is one of the most beautiful woman in the whole world to me and I love her dearly!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
I got this from a friend and thought it was worth sharing. Happy Mother's Day!
Mother is half of the Father/Mother team, the one who gave birth to you as a child. When she first held you in her arms, she fell madly in love with you! She is the one that changed your diaper, gave you your bottle, bathed and dressed you. She is the one who tended to you when you were sick, wishes she could have bore your pain, but unable to even share it with you. There is none like a Mother.
If you have children, then you know what it's like to be a Mother. Often, it's a tough job, with unruly children, and many heartaches before they are grown. Sometimes a Mother is lucky that she has well-disciplined children, but only because she has done her best in order for them to be well-adjusted teenagers and later adults. Mostly, Mother sits and worries that she hasn't done her best with her children, especially if they don't turn out as she thought they should, with all the training she had given them.
Mother is a human being, capable of making mistakes. She is not perfect, just as none of us are perfect. But she is the one that we picture as being perfect during our childhood. As we become older, we realize that Mothers are capable of right and wrong ways of doing things, missing the mark, just as much as the next person. But she is still Mother. The thing that sets her apart is her everlasting love for her children and her intent that they lead normal, well-adjusted lives.
Not until we become adults, do we really begin to appreciate WHO Mother really is. She has nurtured you through your childhood, put up with your sassy ways and times of being lazy during your teenage years, and cried through your becoming an adult. But Mother was always there to encourage you when you made a mistake, although sometimes it's hard not to show disappointment {I am sure I've done that}.
As we grow older and have our own children, we realize that Mother was a very strong person, and we begin to wonder can we ever fit into her shoes. No, we wear our 'own shoes'........we can never do things the same as our Mother, although she has given us the pattern from which to build. IF we have a Godly Mother {I did!}, then we can bring up our children in the ways of God, so that when they grow older we have the assurance that some day they will live for God. After all, Proverbs 22:6 says "Train up a child in the ways he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
Mothers are special. Is your Mother living today? If so, try to make this Mother's Day the most wonderful day of her life! Show her you care if only by telling her you love her. Take her out to eat, take her flowers, but show up on Mother's Day, if possible. You will never know how much this helps Mother to realize her family still cares. Sometimes we get busy doing the usual things in life, and lose sight of the most important aspects - loving our family. And Mother happens to be where that 'family' began. Without Mother, there would never have been a family. You might also tell Daddy that you are so happy that he chose Mother to be his wife. Make his eyes light up as well!!
M - Messenger, relaying God's Word
O - Outpouring of genuine Love
T - Trusts in God
H - Heart set on things above
E - Earthly saint
R - Rescuer of the Wayward
Mother is half of the Father/Mother team, the one who gave birth to you as a child. When she first held you in her arms, she fell madly in love with you! She is the one that changed your diaper, gave you your bottle, bathed and dressed you. She is the one who tended to you when you were sick, wishes she could have bore your pain, but unable to even share it with you. There is none like a Mother.
If you have children, then you know what it's like to be a Mother. Often, it's a tough job, with unruly children, and many heartaches before they are grown. Sometimes a Mother is lucky that she has well-disciplined children, but only because she has done her best in order for them to be well-adjusted teenagers and later adults. Mostly, Mother sits and worries that she hasn't done her best with her children, especially if they don't turn out as she thought they should, with all the training she had given them.
Mother is a human being, capable of making mistakes. She is not perfect, just as none of us are perfect. But she is the one that we picture as being perfect during our childhood. As we become older, we realize that Mothers are capable of right and wrong ways of doing things, missing the mark, just as much as the next person. But she is still Mother. The thing that sets her apart is her everlasting love for her children and her intent that they lead normal, well-adjusted lives.
Not until we become adults, do we really begin to appreciate WHO Mother really is. She has nurtured you through your childhood, put up with your sassy ways and times of being lazy during your teenage years, and cried through your becoming an adult. But Mother was always there to encourage you when you made a mistake, although sometimes it's hard not to show disappointment {I am sure I've done that}.
As we grow older and have our own children, we realize that Mother was a very strong person, and we begin to wonder can we ever fit into her shoes. No, we wear our 'own shoes'........we can never do things the same as our Mother, although she has given us the pattern from which to build. IF we have a Godly Mother {I did!}, then we can bring up our children in the ways of God, so that when they grow older we have the assurance that some day they will live for God. After all, Proverbs 22:6 says "Train up a child in the ways he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
Mothers are special. Is your Mother living today? If so, try to make this Mother's Day the most wonderful day of her life! Show her you care if only by telling her you love her. Take her out to eat, take her flowers, but show up on Mother's Day, if possible. You will never know how much this helps Mother to realize her family still cares. Sometimes we get busy doing the usual things in life, and lose sight of the most important aspects - loving our family. And Mother happens to be where that 'family' began. Without Mother, there would never have been a family. You might also tell Daddy that you are so happy that he chose Mother to be his wife. Make his eyes light up as well!!
M - Messenger, relaying God's Word
O - Outpouring of genuine Love
T - Trusts in God
H - Heart set on things above
E - Earthly saint
R - Rescuer of the Wayward
Friday, May 9, 2008
Today is the day
I can just feel it. Today is the day that things will turn around. Today becasue it is His Day is the very one in which God will be making His greatest move. Look for Him, Believe and Receive! May God bless your day!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
He makes all things beautiful

We've had our house on the market for nearly a year now and it still hasn't sold. What's new? It's seems many of us are in the same boat as far as Real Estate goes. At least once a week I stop by to check on things and give the pool a brush. On the porch were some plants I'd left when we moved. To my surprise the orchid plant that I left for dead had the most beautiful bloom on it. As you can see if you look closely there are 4 flowers on one stem! I have never seen this plant more beautiful than it is today! When we throw things aside because in our eyes it's value has left, God has a way of causing them to bloom. How many times have we thrown people aside because maybe they are not what we are looking for? How many times do employers refuse to hire a person because they do not fit the mold? I believe in giving everyone the benefit of the doubt. Unless you give them a chance, how would you know if they can fit the bill? When we owned our business, I had the opportunity to hire several employees. Some worked harder than others and some were more of a risk but we gave each of them a chance and do not regret hiring either of them. Thank God, He also gives us a chance and sometimes more than one. Thank God, He deems us worthy and allows us to bloom at our own pace. Thank God when I gave up on my orchid He didn't. "He has made everything beautiful in his time." Ecclesiastes 3:11
Monday, May 5, 2008
What are you waiting for?
Are you a Christian? Do you even know what I mean? When you leave this place we call Earth and your body closes on it's last day what will happen to your soul? Ever thought about that?
In the book of Ephesians chapter 2 verses 4-5 the Bible (God's Living Word) states this:
But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love for with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespass (Sin), made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved). NKJV
So what does this mean? It means that in our ugliest state, when others couldn't even look at us because of our arrogance and sin, God our Heavenly Father, looked down upon us and made a way for us to clean up our act. He made a way for us to live a life of purity. He made a way for us to when we leave this place, when we are dead in body, to live eternally with Him in spirit.
So then what do to become a Christian? Well, it's quite simple. First know that it is nothing you do personally. You can't climb the highest mountain and get to Him. If you run the longest race you will never catch up to Him. No charity, no love offering, no work can ever take you to the "Life-Giver". This life in Christ is truly a gift in which HE paid the ultimate the price for. He spread wide His arms and died so you and I could live. How awesome is that?
1) Admit that you are a sinner. The Bible tells us that we are all sinners.
2) Believe that Jesus is the Son of GOd and that He died and rose for your sins.
3) Confess your sins, ask God's forgiveness and commit your life to Christ.
I told you it was simple didn't I? So what are you waiting for?
In the book of Ephesians chapter 2 verses 4-5 the Bible (God's Living Word) states this:
But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love for with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespass (Sin), made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved). NKJV
So what does this mean? It means that in our ugliest state, when others couldn't even look at us because of our arrogance and sin, God our Heavenly Father, looked down upon us and made a way for us to clean up our act. He made a way for us to live a life of purity. He made a way for us to when we leave this place, when we are dead in body, to live eternally with Him in spirit.
So then what do to become a Christian? Well, it's quite simple. First know that it is nothing you do personally. You can't climb the highest mountain and get to Him. If you run the longest race you will never catch up to Him. No charity, no love offering, no work can ever take you to the "Life-Giver". This life in Christ is truly a gift in which HE paid the ultimate the price for. He spread wide His arms and died so you and I could live. How awesome is that?
1) Admit that you are a sinner. The Bible tells us that we are all sinners.
2) Believe that Jesus is the Son of GOd and that He died and rose for your sins.
3) Confess your sins, ask God's forgiveness and commit your life to Christ.
I told you it was simple didn't I? So what are you waiting for?
Sunday, May 4, 2008
I can do all things
Wow what a weekend! Friday night we celebrated Matt and Julie's Wedding, How beautiful it was and exciting! Little Matthew that many of us knew through Youth for Christ is now a married man! That energetic young teenager who loves Jesus! It's incredible.
Last night and today Ashley led our church services in Matthew's absence and what an awesome job Ash and the Praise team did. He is truly annointed and I know without a doubt that God is going to use him mightily in many ways.
Well today after churh we went to visit gramma. She is a very feeble 94 year old and losing weight it seems, as we speak. She is so fragile a sesitive reminder of how we all will be one day, Lord willing. Also, it is humbling to see her knowing that at any minute our lives can be reversed and we could be the one lying on the bed weak and unable to move at times. My encouragement to us all is cherish each day and live life to the fullest with God in the center and His will a prioroty.
Which brings me to tell you that I have been faithfully attacking my treadmill and the pavement. I realize how much older I am becoming and how important it is to take care of this temple God has given me. A whole hour today! Wow, I am proud of myself!
I know quite well that just as it is important to take care of our physical bodies it is equally important to feed and care for our spiritual. By reading God's Word and communing with Him on a daily basis, I can accomplish that goal as well. With His strength guiding me, I can do all things, especially when I place Him as top-priority on my list.
Last night and today Ashley led our church services in Matthew's absence and what an awesome job Ash and the Praise team did. He is truly annointed and I know without a doubt that God is going to use him mightily in many ways.
Well today after churh we went to visit gramma. She is a very feeble 94 year old and losing weight it seems, as we speak. She is so fragile a sesitive reminder of how we all will be one day, Lord willing. Also, it is humbling to see her knowing that at any minute our lives can be reversed and we could be the one lying on the bed weak and unable to move at times. My encouragement to us all is cherish each day and live life to the fullest with God in the center and His will a prioroty.
Which brings me to tell you that I have been faithfully attacking my treadmill and the pavement. I realize how much older I am becoming and how important it is to take care of this temple God has given me. A whole hour today! Wow, I am proud of myself!
I know quite well that just as it is important to take care of our physical bodies it is equally important to feed and care for our spiritual. By reading God's Word and communing with Him on a daily basis, I can accomplish that goal as well. With His strength guiding me, I can do all things, especially when I place Him as top-priority on my list.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Do your very best to make a difference
“Show me O Lord my life’s end and the number of my days, let me know how fleeting is my days.” Psalm 39:4
Wouldn’t it be nice to know exactly how long we were to be on this earth? If you knew what would be the first thing you’d change about your life? Would your actions begin to reflect your faith? What would you do different?
“Now listen, you who say, today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city; spend a year there, carry on business and make money. Why you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say if it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.” James 4:13-15
How often do we make plans for our future and find they haven’t quite worked out the way we expected? In fact, many times what happens is just the opposite of our good intentions. We focus one way while all along God is trying to lead us in another direction. Unfortunately it takes several hard knocks to make us finally see the full picture, until we finally hear the voice of our Father. Why, are we so deaf and blind that we have become insensitive to His call?
We are not promised tomorrow, therefore, we should do our very best today.
Our goal should be to live like we have only one day left. If that were true; we would live like Christ (if we are a Christian, that is). We would talk like Him, walk like Him and look like Him. “But, how do we do that”, you might be asking? God’s Word is everything we need to understand this kind of living. Christ is the best example we have and therefore, if we read about Him we will learn exactly how He lived. The Bible is the exact recording of His life, how He lived, how He died and of His rising on the third day. Read it yourself, and see that what I say is true.
We experienced the celebration of our friend Tavis’ homecoming the other day. What I mean is, God called Travis home. At an unexpected time for all of us, He called him to become one of His roommates in the sweet by and by. God was ready to share His Heavenly pad with Travis. I imagine His words to him must have been something like this: “Come my beloved, in you I am pleased, sit at my table, dine with me, dance with my angels, I’ve prepared a place for you and it is ready. Come and share my love for all eternity.” What a calling!
Ecclesiastes states: “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die…”
It’s inevitable; we are all going to die someday. We are all going to some other place, away from here, for the rest of eternity when our time is up. For this reason it is vitally important that we make the most of every moment. It is a must that the decisions we make are bathed in prayer and the answers to our most important issues are sought after, in His Word.
“Be careful then how you live-not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity because the days are evil.” Ephesians 5:15-16
Our lives are like a vapor, they will disappear as we know them and we will be no more in the flesh. How will we be remembered? I was encouraged to know that Travis will be remembered positively. I am encouraged that I still have time to make good memories at least today or at least in this moment. My prayer is that God molds me and makes me the woman He desires me to be. I pray that my memories will be positive ones and that my life on earth impacts the lives of others; for Christ’s sake. I pray that for you too.
As you go through each day (sometimes stumbling) I hope that God places in you the desire to make a difference in someone else’s life. I pray that He places someone in your path that you can touch for Christ’s sake. I pray that someone sees Jesus in your eyes, in your actions and in your life.
Wouldn’t it be nice to know exactly how long we were to be on this earth? If you knew what would be the first thing you’d change about your life? Would your actions begin to reflect your faith? What would you do different?
“Now listen, you who say, today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city; spend a year there, carry on business and make money. Why you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say if it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.” James 4:13-15
How often do we make plans for our future and find they haven’t quite worked out the way we expected? In fact, many times what happens is just the opposite of our good intentions. We focus one way while all along God is trying to lead us in another direction. Unfortunately it takes several hard knocks to make us finally see the full picture, until we finally hear the voice of our Father. Why, are we so deaf and blind that we have become insensitive to His call?
We are not promised tomorrow, therefore, we should do our very best today.
Our goal should be to live like we have only one day left. If that were true; we would live like Christ (if we are a Christian, that is). We would talk like Him, walk like Him and look like Him. “But, how do we do that”, you might be asking? God’s Word is everything we need to understand this kind of living. Christ is the best example we have and therefore, if we read about Him we will learn exactly how He lived. The Bible is the exact recording of His life, how He lived, how He died and of His rising on the third day. Read it yourself, and see that what I say is true.
We experienced the celebration of our friend Tavis’ homecoming the other day. What I mean is, God called Travis home. At an unexpected time for all of us, He called him to become one of His roommates in the sweet by and by. God was ready to share His Heavenly pad with Travis. I imagine His words to him must have been something like this: “Come my beloved, in you I am pleased, sit at my table, dine with me, dance with my angels, I’ve prepared a place for you and it is ready. Come and share my love for all eternity.” What a calling!
Ecclesiastes states: “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die…”
It’s inevitable; we are all going to die someday. We are all going to some other place, away from here, for the rest of eternity when our time is up. For this reason it is vitally important that we make the most of every moment. It is a must that the decisions we make are bathed in prayer and the answers to our most important issues are sought after, in His Word.
“Be careful then how you live-not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity because the days are evil.” Ephesians 5:15-16
Our lives are like a vapor, they will disappear as we know them and we will be no more in the flesh. How will we be remembered? I was encouraged to know that Travis will be remembered positively. I am encouraged that I still have time to make good memories at least today or at least in this moment. My prayer is that God molds me and makes me the woman He desires me to be. I pray that my memories will be positive ones and that my life on earth impacts the lives of others; for Christ’s sake. I pray that for you too.
As you go through each day (sometimes stumbling) I hope that God places in you the desire to make a difference in someone else’s life. I pray that He places someone in your path that you can touch for Christ’s sake. I pray that someone sees Jesus in your eyes, in your actions and in your life.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Wow where did the week go?
I can't believe it ihas been a week since I wrote. I was just talking to my friend Johnna and she said the same thing about her blog. Where does the time go? It seems we've had another full week thus far and it is not over yet. Monday is our usual Women's Bible Study (along with the usual errands afterwards) which always is a blessing and Tuesday was GirlTalk at SHS a division of YFC and Wednesday we celebrated our friends homecoming (he went to be with the Lord) and this morning was MOPS Leadership meeting at Brewsters and tonight GBC's weekly softball game. And here I sit trying to review the remainder of this week's schedule. A wedding Friday night, a picnic Saturday and church in the evening. Then church on Sunday with maybe a trip to Ft. Lauderdale to see my mom. And prepare for Bible Study and GirlTalk and write my column, whew!
It reminds me of Martha in the story of Martha and Mary. Martha was so busy hostessing and Mary sat at Christ's feet. Not that I haven't read my Bible or been in contact with my Lord this week cause I have. It just seems like the days fly by. I did manage the treadmill each day and a walk with my sweetie yesterday. We did have breakfast together on Tuesday and dinner last night. Our weekly ritual of watching American Idol (bye, bye Brooke) was accomplished both days also. I guess that's not too bad for a week's accomplishments. I'm exhausted!
Oh yeah, I did this Aqua Detox the other day. I soaked my feet in lukewarm water while this detox machine attempted to rid my body of nasty toxins. I was amazed at the water, it was green when the treatment was finished.
Praise God, He takes all the toxins of my sin and rids me of them when I ask. I am so grateful that no gunk is too thick or too nasty for Him to handle. i am so thankful the He truly loved me enough to set me free! I love you Jesus!
It reminds me of Martha in the story of Martha and Mary. Martha was so busy hostessing and Mary sat at Christ's feet. Not that I haven't read my Bible or been in contact with my Lord this week cause I have. It just seems like the days fly by. I did manage the treadmill each day and a walk with my sweetie yesterday. We did have breakfast together on Tuesday and dinner last night. Our weekly ritual of watching American Idol (bye, bye Brooke) was accomplished both days also. I guess that's not too bad for a week's accomplishments. I'm exhausted!
Oh yeah, I did this Aqua Detox the other day. I soaked my feet in lukewarm water while this detox machine attempted to rid my body of nasty toxins. I was amazed at the water, it was green when the treatment was finished.
Praise God, He takes all the toxins of my sin and rids me of them when I ask. I am so grateful that no gunk is too thick or too nasty for Him to handle. i am so thankful the He truly loved me enough to set me free! I love you Jesus!
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