Thursday, January 21, 2021

Why would I need a Savior

 Is seems more and more of my family and friends are leaving Facebook these days. It’s a tough decision,  I’ve deactivated for about 14 days because I have been attacked for my non-political faith based Posts. And if I do make a political post now and then, somehow it pushes a friend’s buttons! Not intended! I love my friends! I just have my ideas and feelings and we will not always Agree, and that’s okay. I’ve seen too many friendships torn because of all of this mess! Is it really worth losing friendships over? 

This year has been stressful for everyone, no matter what side of the fence you are on. But we should be able to share our thoughts without rebuttal, right? Well some people don’t feel that way. I’m sorry if I’ve posted something that some of you did not like. Believe me, it wasn’t intended. I’ve seen many, many posts that I did  not like, but I choose to keep scrolling and not create a negative discussion over it.  We all are entitled to our opinions! ❤️ We have all been hurt by politics and instances that have happened over the past 4 years. That’s  no reason to hurt each other any further. For the many deaths that have happened due to politics, rioting, whether during a peaceful Protests or not, in my opinion none are acceptable. I hurt for the many families that have felt these tragedies. 

Whether this election was done righteously or not, no one will ever know, except God. It’s over and we must move on. Where did Covid come from??? We may never know that either, but there is One who does know! We all have the right to our opinions. Social Media and the Media in general opinions should not be only “one-sided”. My goodness we live in the GREATEST country in the world and at least for now, we still have Freedom of Speech! God is the only One whose judgement we have to answer to. We all will come face to face with our Creator one day.  But for now, it’s up to us to search our hearts and share His love as much as possible. But, I do not believe that means we should not stand up for  what we believe. Are we perfect? I know I certainly am not. If I was, why would I need a Savior? And why would you?~Terri

Monday, January 11, 2021

Who Has your back?

 I recently have been exposed to a

dear friend who has Covid. I spent some time with her and her family over the past 7 days. I want to say that I am concerned, but I am not afraid. I know who my Protector is. I know my Healer by name! I know He has my back. I know His hands hold me close and He never leaves me. I am aware that being that close to someone is risky but my friend needed me. Isn’t that my duty as a Believer; to be there for her? So, this week I will pump extra Vitamin C, D3, and Immune supplements, into my body and those in my household. I  will hang low and take it easy the next 10 - 14 days and quarantine. It’s all good. We are strong! God is in control! LOVE is the key. 

According to John 15:17, Jesus commanded: “These things I command you, that ye may love one another.”

My word for 2021 is Love and I plan to share it with all whom my Lord puts in my path, as He directs! ❤️

Live Life


puts you in a dark place

good things

bring peace and light

life blazes arrows 

too difficult to dodge, 


lest you burn to death

a life lived in light’s path

is only mastered

as you thrust towards it

one brave step at a time

though a mystery

there’s only one way

to experience

what’s on the other side

go for it

find it

live life

as it’s meant to be lived!


Genuine Friends are Hard to Find

 It seems many people, reach out, invite, and try to make friends and end up hurt. Rejection is the killer of confidence, the destroyer of trust and what seems like, the end to happiness. Or is it?

There comes a time in a person’s life when the asking stops, inviting ceases and caring ends. It doesn’t matter if they don’t fit in, or are not part of “the group, or if they even have friends.  They are content where and who they are and have become.

The Bible says: “ in order for a friend to have friends, he must be friendly. There is one friend that sticks closer than a brother.” Genuine  friends are hard to find. One thing is for sure, Jesus is and always will be our best friend! 

Are you having trouble finding true friendships? Try being a little more friendly. Are you sitting in the sidelines wishing you could join in? Ask God to bring the friends who are supposed to be in your life. Several years ago, I did and God brought some amazing women to my life. I believe, if you ask, He will for you too. Let’s Talk

Christmas Dreams


Gleaming crystals 

Cold crisp air 

Snow caps 

In the distance 

Trees on top of cars

Shining lights 

Beauty all around

Love abounds

Beautiful songs ringing around our town. 

He is here

 When you seek me with all your heart that is when you will find me. 

God is everywhere right-omnipresent. Then why is it that sometimes it seems He is hiding? Why is it that some days we wonder where He is, and we can’t find Him? We can’t hear Him or see Him moving in the direction we feel he should be moving or we desire, so we feel He’s left our planet! While it might seem that way I can assure you He is right where he always has been; on His throne!

As we see our world in this amazing turmoil, as we see disruption, hatred and pure evil unfold before our very eyes, one thing we must remember, it’s not about us! It’s not about what we want, or what we feel should happen, it’s  about what God feels needs to be done!