It seems I've loved you forever,
even though we only just met.
~terri otterman
Thank you for opening my blog and actually reading it! I love what I do and that is write. My prayer is that whoever opens and reads the words on these pages, will be blessed, changed, and inspired.
It seems I've loved you forever,
even though we only just met.
~terri otterman
In My Cocoon
I feel like I’m stuck in my
growing, getting stronger,
learning how to cope, but I want to
get out.
I want to be free,
to live without regrets, without
confusion, without the pains of life and love.
I push and pull at all the
I kick and scream, hoping to break
I cry, I laugh, I talk to
In the end, all will be okay.
I know that.
I think I
will leave
my sunglasses,
on today.
I don’t want anyone
to see my eyes
to ask what’s wrong.
Have I been crying
or am I just stoned
as hell?
Is my heart broken
or am I in the bliss
of this highness,
that hides my true self?
Either way,
What’s important is,
I know the truth.
I think I will leave my
on today.
~terri otterman
I find myself on an emotional roller coaster these past few months.
Sometimes I’m super happy,
others I just don’t know what the future holds.
I know it’s not for me to figure out.
I know that whatever will be, will be.
Does that make this ride any easier?
Absolutely not.
What it does is show me over and over again,
that I am not in control, nor do I really want to be.
Life is hard.
Happiness is even harder to find these days.
I trust God.
I know where my strength comes from,
but it’s still hard.
Wrestling with “what if’s, I should of’s, and maybe next time”,
are real matches that we deal with everyday.
You are no different than I am.
Admit it, you have those wars too.
All I can say is this life is only temporary.
We may not get to the place our heart desires here on earth.
One thing is for sure, “life is short and eternity isn’t.”
My prayer is this, even if we never meet here on Earth,
that one day we will meet in the life ever after,
in the place set apart for those who believe
in the One true God and Savior.
I hope I see you beyond those Golden Gates,
in the place where no more sorrows,
no more tears, and no more loneliness, will be.
In the place where true happiness resides.
~terri otterman