Thursday, February 20, 2025

It's Time


No one knows what's in the depths of your heart,

except for you and God.

No one knows the pain and hurt,

that you've endured, 

because of circumstances and events 

that were beyond your control.

Those traumas you've allowed,

to take your peace,

must be let go.


no one knows the amount of joy you've experienced,

and the the great love that you shared

on many occasions.

Hold on to those memories.

It's time for peace.

It's time for you to be happy.

It's time for you to let all those negative things go.

It's time to set yourself free.

It's time to really live and let yourself love again.

~terri otterman

Slammed Doors


Slammed doors,

eventually get locked

never to open again.


it takes many of these

for some hearts

to realize

it's better to walk

and throw away the key.

~broken heart



Some feelings are

just feelings, 

and not meant to

Be acted upon.

~broken heart


If God chooses 

to take me home


or even the next,

I can truly say, 

I know I’ve lived 

a great life. 

I have no regrets. 

From the moment 

my mother gave birth

to me, 

to the days I live right now,

and all those in between, 

I have been truly blessed. 

I am very thankful.

for all that God has given me.

I am grateful,

for the many treasures,

I’ve been able to enjoy. 

But mostly, 

I owe my life to him, 

for his great love for me,

and the price he paid

on Calvary.



My dear,  

some loves were never meant 

to last forever, 

as soon as you accept that fact, 

your life will be much better.

~broken heart