Thursday, February 20, 2025

It's Time


No one knows what's in the depths of your heart,

except for you and God.

No one knows the pain and hurt,

that you've endured, 

because of circumstances and events 

that were beyond your control.

Those traumas you've allowed,

to take your peace,

must be let go.


no one knows the amount of joy you've experienced,

and the the great love that you shared

on many occasions.

Hold on to those memories.

It's time for peace.

It's time for you to be happy.

It's time for you to let all those negative things go.

It's time to set yourself free.

It's time to really live and let yourself love again.

~terri otterman

Slammed Doors


Slammed doors,

eventually get locked

never to open again.


it takes many of these

for some hearts

to realize

it's better to walk

and throw away the key.

~broken heart



Some feelings are

just feelings, 

and not meant to

Be acted upon.

~broken heart


If God chooses 

to take me home


or even the next,

I can truly say, 

I know I’ve lived 

a great life. 

I have no regrets. 

From the moment 

my mother gave birth

to me, 

to the days I live right now,

and all those in between, 

I have been truly blessed. 

I am very thankful.

for all that God has given me.

I am grateful,

for the many treasures,

I’ve been able to enjoy. 

But mostly, 

I owe my life to him, 

for his great love for me,

and the price he paid

on Calvary.



My dear,  

some loves were never meant 

to last forever, 

as soon as you accept that fact, 

your life will be much better.

~broken heart

Friday, September 9, 2022

I've Loved You Forever

It seems I've loved you  forever, 

even though we only just met. 

~terri otterman

In My cocoon

 In My Cocoon 


I feel like I’m stuck in my cocoon, 

growing, getting stronger, 

learning how to cope, but I want to get out. 

I want to be free, 

to live without regrets, without confusion, without the pains of life and love. 

I push and pull at all the strings. 

I kick and scream, hoping to break through. 

I cry, I laugh, I talk to myself. 

In the end, all will be okay. 

I know that. 

I just want to be free.

My Sunglasses On

I think I will leave 

my sunglasses, 

on today. 

I don’t want anyone 

to see my eyes

to ask what’s wrong. 

Have I been crying 

or am I just stoned 

as hell? 

Is my heart broken 

or am I in the bliss 

of this highness, 

that hides my true self? 

Either way, 

What’s important is, 

I know the truth. 

I think I will leave my sunglasses, 

on today.

~terri otterman



If being strong means hiding your thoughts, feelings, and tears, 

then I’d rather be weak. 

It may not be what everyone wants these days,  

but I like honesty. ~terri otterman

Monday, September 5, 2022

 I find myself on an emotional roller coaster these past few months. 

Sometimes I’m super happy, 

others I just don’t know what the future holds. 

I know it’s not for me to figure out. 

I know that whatever will be, will be. 

Does that make this ride any easier? 

Absolutely not. 

What it does is show me over and over again, 

that I am not in control, nor do I really want to be. 

Life is hard. 

Happiness is even harder to find these days. 

I trust God. 

I know where my strength comes from, 

but it’s still hard. 

Wrestling with “what if’s, I should of’s, and maybe next time”, 

are real matches that we deal with everyday. 

You are no different than I am. 

Admit it, you have those wars too. 

All I can say is this life is only temporary. 

We may not get to the place our heart desires here on earth. 

One thing is for sure, “life is short and eternity isn’t.” 

My prayer is this, even if we never meet here on Earth, 

that one day we will meet in the life ever after, 

in the place set apart for those who believe 

in the One true God and Savior. 

I hope I see you beyond those Golden Gates, 

in the place where no more sorrows, 

no more tears, and no more loneliness, will be. 

In the place where true happiness resides.

 ~terri otterman




Saturday, September 3, 2022

I love life, 

I love Brandon, 

I love my family, 

I love God and Jesus 

but I must be honest,

I question him daily. 


What were you thinking? 

What now? 

I’m human and you need to know that. 

Yes, I know all things will work out. 

But the pain…..

sometimes is hard 

to bear. ❤️

Friday, August 26, 2022

Stay innocent little one, 

at least, for one more day. 

Let me hold you tightly, 

please don’t run away. 

In the blink of an eye, 

things can change.

I’ll  cherish these days, 

as long as I can. 

One day soon, 

you’ll let go of my hand, 

before we know it, 

you’ll be a grown man. 

When that day comes, 

remember these truths, 

I will still be your mom, 

and I will always love you.

 ~terri otterman

Thursday, August 25, 2022

The Way

 The Way

the way your voice dances in my ears, 

the way your smile lights up my eyes, 

the way your touch tickles my senses, 

the way your arms  wrap around my body, 

the way…….I love that. 

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Have you ever found yourself saying, “It ended as quickly as it began. All the promises, all the words, are as if they were never spoken”? When love is rushed, it parts too quickly. We live in a fast world where everything is wanted now. Relationships must be built, and quite often the building process is a slow one. People must take the time to get to know each other. One might think they don’t have time, the grass is growing under their feet, I’m coming to the end of their life, but those things shouldn’t  matter. One good year is far better than two unhappy ones. Why live unhappy? If not built correctly, love will only fall to the ground, destroying one or both partners. Relationships require love and respect.  Some people may not want or care to be respected, but many do. Some people don’t care about love and friendship, but there are those “hopeless romantics”, like myself, still out there. Love requires gentleness, quietness, caressing, caring, understanding, and knowing that if one is hurt, the other will be there to comfort, not condemn.  Love is a promise that states, “I’ve got your back, I’m in for the long haul.” Love is not selfish, and likewise, not selfless. Love is two people on a journey together, that don’t always enjoy the ride, but know it’s worth their time and efforts. Love can be everything you’ve dreamt of and much more. It can also include things that are not fun, but because both partners care, they are willing to work on their differences. Love  isn’t always beautiful fireworks, and great sex. Quite often, those are just fantasy dreams, that rarely  turn out as expected. Love is hard. Love is the one blessing most people long for, most need, but never find. When you find it, grab it, true love is rare. Hold it, nurture it, do whatever it takes to keep it. Wrap your arms around it and never let it go. It will take great sacrifices, but in the end, it will be worth it. ~terri otterman

Thursday, August 18, 2022


In my quiet space is where I find my peace, my solace, sometimes my stress. I do my best thinking or my worst, it all depends on the topic at hand, whether positive or negative, Nevertheless, it helps me get things off my chest, to throw them away, or move them to a safe place, maybe to revisit later.  Anyway, it seems strange to me, seeing as I’m not a person that desires or likes to be alone, that it can be actually refreshing and freeing at times.  To sit quietly and let my mind wander, with no disruptions, no noise, no interference, allows me to really search my heart, to find answers, to dig deeply into the things that really matter. This, is much needed. If you think about it, quiet is really good for the soul, everyone needs it, whether they admit they do, or not. 

~terri otterman

Wednesday, August 17, 2022


If I kiss you 

or want to, 

it’s because 

there is a special 

kind of love 

inside my heart for you. 

It doesn’t mean 

I’m “in love” with you

or that I desire 

wild crazy adventures 

with you. 

It may mean 

I have a special spot 

in my heart for you, 

and depending on 

the type of kiss,

that may be open 

for discussion 

another time. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2022


First day of Fifth grade…

Before you were born, you were thought of, before you were  conceived, God was thinking of me.

Sometimes I wonder where you came from, 

then your smile reminds me, you came from above.

The thought, the consideration, that went into your being, totally amazes me.

In a blink of an eye, you were created, just for me. 

Many times, the plan seems so unreal,

but our Creator, knew exactly what He was doing. He knew how I’d feel; this day, this time, during this life of mine. 

I love you with all my heart, more than I ever thought I could. 

Right from the start, when I laid eyes on you,

I knew, I would. ~to