Have you ever found yourself saying, “It ended as quickly as it began. All the promises, all the words, are as if they were never spoken”? When love is rushed, it parts too quickly. We live in a fast world where everything is wanted now. Relationships must be built, and quite often the building process is a slow one. People must take the time to get to know each other. One might think they don’t have time, the grass is growing under their feet, I’m coming to the end of their life, but those things shouldn’t matter. One good year is far better than two unhappy ones. Why live unhappy? If not built correctly, love will only fall to the ground, destroying one or both partners. Relationships require love and respect. Some people may not want or care to be respected, but many do. Some people don’t care about love and friendship, but there are those “hopeless romantics”, like myself, still out there. Love requires gentleness, quietness, caressing, caring, understanding, and knowing that if one is hurt, the other will be there to comfort, not condemn. Love is a promise that states, “I’ve got your back, I’m in for the long haul.” Love is not selfish, and likewise, not selfless. Love is two people on a journey together, that don’t always enjoy the ride, but know it’s worth their time and efforts. Love can be everything you’ve dreamt of and much more. It can also include things that are not fun, but because both partners care, they are willing to work on their differences. Love isn’t always beautiful fireworks, and great sex. Quite often, those are just fantasy dreams, that rarely turn out as expected. Love is hard. Love is the one blessing most people long for, most need, but never find. When you find it, grab it, true love is rare. Hold it, nurture it, do whatever it takes to keep it. Wrap your arms around it and never let it go. It will take great sacrifices, but in the end, it will be worth it. ~terri otterman
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