Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Willing to Serve

"A friend loveth at all times and a brother was born for adversity" Proverbs 17:17
"A true friend loves in adversity as well as in prosperity. Often it takes hard times to show which friends are genuinely loyal... One of the great privileges of brotherhood is to be at your side when you need him most."(Believer's Bible Commentary)

I met with a dear friend today whom I haven't seen in several months. There was a difficulty that arose which caused her to leave my sphere of influence. While she had her reasons the fact is what took place had caused some hardships. Praise God He picks us back up and places us on the path He has ordained, specifically for us. He puts back into our lives what the enemy had stolen, maybe not in exactly the same format but in an equally effective way. God has placed my friend in extensive missionary work. He had given her a humble heart and a desire to serve. And that is a desire we all should have as Believers in Christ. I am so grateful that God has chosen not to tear our friendship apart. I am grateful that He has chosen to keep our kindred spirits alive. And I am equally grateful that He has given us both the desire and the will to serve Him in whatever capacity He chooses.

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