Monday, August 18, 2008

The Sweetest Name on Earth

What’s in a name? We choose our baby’s name by what sounds good or different but have we ever thought about what that name really means? There are numerous books and web addresses that tell us the meaning of thousands seems like millions of different names. Sure it could be a matter of someone else’s opinion but honestly, given the chance to choose a name again, I would definitely research and pick one with a positive meaning.
I looked up on the web at and found the top ten boys and girls names for 2007. This is what found. The top boy name was Jacob with a grand 23,886 named lads and the top girl name was Emily with 19,105. Jacob’s name means supplanter, held by the heel; while Emily means rival, emulating. Andrew which ranked number ten on the boy’s list means man, warrior and Elizabeth as number ten means My God is a vow.
It was no surprise that Joshua means God rescues and that this name is another name for Jesus, our Savior.
We sang the hymn this morning titled “Oh How I Love Jesus” written in 1855 by Frederick Whitfield. Following is the first verse and chorus. There are nine verses altogether.
“O how I love Jesus, O how I love Jesus, O how I love Jesus, because He first loved me!

There is a Name I love to hear, I love to sing its worth; it sounds like music in my ear, the sweetest Name on earth.
The Bible tells us in I John 4:19: “We love Him because He first loved us.” NKJVIsn’t that just like us? We have to be loved first in order to return love. That’s not the right way to live. Jesus told us by His example that we are to love first. Then we will be loved in return. No one but Jesus can love in the depth that He loves. Neither of us would lay down our lives to the extent that He laid down His. But we are at least supposed to give it our best shot!

I am convinced after much research of names, that there is no name more precious than the name of Jesus. His name is life and love beyond measure. His name is the only one that brings salvation to a lost world.

In His Name we obtain life, forgiveness, salvation, blessings and deliverance. Christ resonates faithfulness and truth, holiness, hope and protection. In Him is redemption, perfection, righteousness, sacrifice, power and the promise of eternity. And if that is not enough in this precious name we find our way to our Heavenly Father.

“Jesus said to him, I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6 NKJV

Knowing all this, why fellow believers, do we hesitate to tell all we meet? Why are we reluctant to share of the sweetest name on earth? There’s a dying world desperate to hear of this life giving Savior and of all His promises. Will you commit to tell someone today of His great love?

1 comment:

robert said...

Your post caught my attention today because of the reference to Frederick Whitfield's gospel song, "O How I Love Jesus." Today is the 181st anniversary of Whitfield's birth, and the singing of his song led another hymn writer to pen yet another song. To learn more, check out my daily blog on hymn history, Wordwise Hymns.