I am an awful typist. I have no idea how many words I can type per minute because I am unable to take a typing test. I freak out whenever I attempt one, and as a result, make tons of mistakes. I have been practicing, by typing the Lord’s Prayer over and over. I know the prayer by heart but still am unable to type it without errors.
I remember vividly my typing class in high school. It had to have been one of my worst subjects, yet I love to write. I never could get it right even back then. I often think of writing by hand but if you saw my penmanship you’d understand clearly why I don’t. If C-‘s and D’s explain anything, those were my penmanship grades all throughout elementary school!
Then why do you suppose God gave me the desire to write? I have no idea, but lovingly I accept the challenge! It is my passion. Ever since I was a young woman, my desire was to be an author. As a teen I spent classroom study time with pen in hand. And to say the least, my writings were not focused on the subject of the hour. Mostly, I wrote my feelings on paper. I wrote of what interested me: poetry, love stories, and the like. I wrote of teenage hurts, and growing pains. Unfortunately, they somehow got lost when I moved from my childhood home.
When God wrote my story; He never lost a single page. He wrote it on His heart and daily He’s fulfilling the plan He specifically laid out for me.
In Psalm 139 beginning in verse 13 David speaks:
“For you created me in my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them. Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. When I awake, I am still with you.” (NIV verses 13-18)
I love Psalm 139, every part of it. This poem speaks of the fact that God searches our deepest part, our heart. He knows every thought, every desire, and every care. He knows more about us than we know about ourselves. The fact that he knit me in my mother’s womb is amazing to me! He knows all there is to know about me. He knew before I was even thought of that I would love to write (but hate to type). And He knew I would desire to be a mother more than anything else (and He blessed me with four beautiful children). He knew that I would love Him and His Word; and I am so grateful He created me this way. He’s given me more opportunities to serve Him through writing than I ever dreamt possible.
Without Him, I am inadequate; I can do nothing on my own.
Without Him, I am fragile; able to break at any moment.
Without Him I am alone; no true friends in sight.
With Him I lack nothing; He is more than enough.
With Him I am strong; He overcomes my weaknesses.
With Him I have a friend; He’s my number one “Best Friend”.
And His promise is: He will never leave me alone.
I acknowledge Him as Lord and Savior, and Son of the Most High God. I believe He died for my sins, and He has risen from that death. I am certain He is alive, and sitting on God’s Throne. For these reasons I am privileged to be called His daughter, His child. My name is written in His great book of life, never to be blotted out.
I have been made in His image; I am a reflection of Him. I do what He does and say what He says. And just like He, I am a writer. Just as He desired to write my story, my desire is to write about Him.
Praise God, His Word says in Psalm 37 verse 4: “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” NIV
I delight in Him. I love him. My heart’s desire is to tell the world of His great love.
What is your heart’s desire? Delight yourself in Him and watch Him do what he does best.
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