Thanksgiving was wonderful! We spent the week with our Soldier Clay and our daughter Marissa in the states of South Carolina and Georgia. The weather was nice and cold, and our together time was warm and beautiful. It had been ten weeks since we’d seen Clay and what joy it was Beautiful memories will be cherished forever
to see him in uniform! Unfortunately, our other 2 sons were unable to make the trip, but I’m finding that as we age, (gracefully of course) our times with our adult children are becoming fewer and farther between; something I am having a very difficult time with. I guess I know now how my parents felt when all of us left the nest.
While Thanksgiving was great, for me December came with a bomb, one that I wish I could send back. My mother, who was a young 73 years of age, has left earth and is now dancing with her Maker, a joyful time for her but not so joyful for all of us.
Mother loved flowers! She had gardens as long as I can remember! She never failed to pick or buy flowers to set on the kitchen table. Orchids and yellow roses were probably her favorite, although any bunch would do. She loved them all. Gerber daisies, geraniums, Chrysanthemums, it didn’t matter. Walk into the room with flowers in hand and her face lit up like a Christmas tree, no kidding! It never failed, every time we’d travel up north, my dad would faithfully stop on the side of the road so she could pick some flowers for the car. Then when we returned home, she would dry and plant them in one of her many gardens.
Mom was unique. She in her own way loved us very much. She always took great care of us and that was a huge job. With six kids, (five of which were girls) along with my dad, she had her hands full. We never lacked a thing. She was a true example of a dedicated mother and a wife. Our house was immaculate. Never would you see a spot on the floor or fuzz on the carpet. Our clothes were always clean and meals were on the table. Every day she’d drive us to school and be there waiting for us when the bell rang.
When we were sick, she nursed us back to health with homemade chicken soup, children’s Bayer aspirin (cherry flavor, it was like candy to me) and lots of love. Many times she’d be sick herself, but she kept going! She was a fighter! She never gave up! She was strong, mighty and stood her ground. Nothing ever got in her way. She carried on till the end. Her four foot nine frame was all powerful and immovable. She knew what she wanted and believed in and never backed down. She was a woman of character and determination. At times she came off hard but deep down she was a softy. Her love for her family was immeasurable and we all knew it.
As I age I see a lot of her in me and I am proud to be called my mother’s daughter! She will always be my mother and I will never forget the many blessings she has brought into my life. It wasn’t until I had children myself, that I realized who she really was and what she stood for. It was then that I understood that being a mom takes a lot of work, discipline and love.
As children most of us probably thought our parents were mean and tough, but as we’ve grown older, we now realize it was for our own good. As we flip through the chapters of our life, we see that life really wasn’t so bad back then. As we age and our parents move on, deep down we become more aware of their great love for us. Deep down we realize that they, just like Christ, many times have laid down their own lives for our well-being.
“Greater love has no one than this that He lay down his life for his friends.”
John 15:13 NIV
I didn’t get to tell her before she left how much I truly loved, appreciated and believed in her, but somehow I think she knew. She has and always will be one of the most beautiful women in the world to me (next to my own Marissa). I have been highly blessed with an amazing mother who taught me many great things. Even though she is gone from here, she left behind an array of beautiful memories that will be cherished forever. We will never forget her. We love you ma, and always will!
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