“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Tim 2:15 KJV
I told my sister the other day that I’m not a collector; but I unintentionally lied! I collect books! I love books! Our den is full of them; four shelves filled to the "T" and that’s not counting the ones on the bed, under the bed, on top of the desk and in drawers. Forget the ones in the other rooms of the house. If I could have, I probably would have moved right into Blessings when it was in operation. In fact when the hurricanes hit, we did stay there one night…ahh the sweet smell of books filled my nostrils the whole night.
I have lots of books, choice ones I kept from our former Christian Bookstore, and others I’ve purchased over the years. Poetry books, love books, ones about relationships and marriage and raising children, writing helps and study books, dictionaries, and yes, Bibles, lots of them. I’ll probably never read them all in the thousand years I’ll be alive on this earth (wow that's a long time!), but they’re on my shelves if I ever need them. I can’t part with them. I’ve recently been giving some away as gifts to those I think can benefit from them, but honestly it hurts! Hanging in our den is a postcard that says: “When I get a little money I buy books, and if any is left I buy food and clothes.” It’s true. I’m a nut for books. I’ve got to force myself to stay out of Books a Million and Eagle’s Wings or I’ll spend every dime I have in my wallet. If you ask me I’ll tell you "I’m not wasting money when I buy a new book, I use every one for my studies, for helps and for doing my Lord's business, and that's my story and I'm sticking to it!" God Bless You All.
I told my sister the other day that I’m not a collector; but I unintentionally lied! I collect books! I love books! Our den is full of them; four shelves filled to the "T" and that’s not counting the ones on the bed, under the bed, on top of the desk and in drawers. Forget the ones in the other rooms of the house. If I could have, I probably would have moved right into Blessings when it was in operation. In fact when the hurricanes hit, we did stay there one night…ahh the sweet smell of books filled my nostrils the whole night.
I have lots of books, choice ones I kept from our former Christian Bookstore, and others I’ve purchased over the years. Poetry books, love books, ones about relationships and marriage and raising children, writing helps and study books, dictionaries, and yes, Bibles, lots of them. I’ll probably never read them all in the thousand years I’ll be alive on this earth (wow that's a long time!), but they’re on my shelves if I ever need them. I can’t part with them. I’ve recently been giving some away as gifts to those I think can benefit from them, but honestly it hurts! Hanging in our den is a postcard that says: “When I get a little money I buy books, and if any is left I buy food and clothes.” It’s true. I’m a nut for books. I’ve got to force myself to stay out of Books a Million and Eagle’s Wings or I’ll spend every dime I have in my wallet. If you ask me I’ll tell you "I’m not wasting money when I buy a new book, I use every one for my studies, for helps and for doing my Lord's business, and that's my story and I'm sticking to it!" God Bless You All.
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