With much turmoil in our world today; I felt led to write about our hearts and the lives we live. Too often, negative actions are overlooked because, “we are human and humans make mistakes.” Society allows excuses to condone negative behavior: “He had a rough childhood,” or “She has her mother’s temper,” or better yet “Insanity” becomes the verdict. I believe each of us has a choice in the way we act.
“Your word I have hidden in my heart that I might not sin against you.” Ps 119:11 NKJV
Our actions are the direct result of what is in our heart. We have the ability to change. The Word of God instructs us to hide His Commands in our hearts, to think on positive things and to practice goodness. When we follow God’s Instructions, peace abides, and where there is peace, there is absence of turmoil.
"… For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things." Matt 12:34-35 NKJV
Our hearts reflect our works and likewise our works our hearts. If evil reigns in our hearts, then sin will be evident. As we surrender completely to God, our lives will be overflowing with goodness. When God’s Holy Spirit dwells in our hearts, love abounds.
A good heart models Christ’s love and regards not itself above another, while an evil one is self-centered and is constantly looking out for his own interests. If the words we speak neither minister grace, nor edify those who hear them, why waste the breath? When evil words are spoken, the outcome is always injury and heartache.
In Phil 4, the apostle Paul teaches that holiness and righteousness must be evident in every area of a Believer’s life. He reminds us we must have the mind of Christ, and walk as He walked. Paul tells us to think on things that are true; to never allow negativity to enter our hearts and minds. We are told to think on things that are decent and becoming, to focus on edifying rather than the tearing down of another’s spirit. We are told to live justly, obeying not only God’s laws but the laws of the land as well. Our thoughts are to be kept moral and our actions pure; allowing no lust or indecent behavior. Lovely in my opinion is a matter of the heart rather than of outward appearance; it’s kindness in conversation and deed. He encourages the wealthy to generously share with those in need, especially if it benefits the Kingdom of God. He reminds us that everything should be done out of the goodness of the heart without grumbling; and must never be done to bring attention to ourselves, but rather to glorify God. As we practice all of these things without wavering, our lives will be direct reflections of Christ. After all, if we are called by His name shouldn’t we mirror His heart?
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