I love weekends. it seems no sooner than the workweek begins, it ends. The days, or I should say weeks seem to move so fast, as the blinking of an eye.
Just three and a half short weeks ago, our Soldier came home for leave, and now in less than one week he is leaving us again; only this time for two long duty years in S. Korea.
I love our children, every one of them, neither one more than the other, I can honestly say I love them all the same. But for some reason, when your baby leaves the nest, it seems to hit home hardest. Grant you, Clay has already been gone since September, but he was in the states. This time he's going to be out of the country; and that is a bite I find hard to swallow.
I am constantly reminding myself that God is in control, and that He does just as He pleases, and that no concern is too difficult for Him. I know that He holds Clay in the palm of His hand, and that He is going to take care of him, no matter where he goes. I do know that He has marked Clay's path out for him, exactly the way He saw fit, and that through every stage of Clay's life, His Maker has been right there with him and continues to be. I am also certain that even though this life may become difficult at times, He never gives us more than we can handle; that no matter what trial we face here on earth, something far greater and much better will meet us on the other side.
This past weekend three of our children came to St. Augustine to visit us. Now to get three at one time these days is greater than a blessing, considering they are all scattered and living in different places. Marissa our only daughter, still lives in Sebring, Philip lives close by in Jacksonville, and Clay, I believe I am safe to say, is somewhere in between. The only one that was unable to come this time is Alan who lives in a quaint "little" town called Portland, Oregon, somewhere on the other side of this great USA.
Whenever our children are coming to visit, the excitement rises in our house. I can't wait to see their faces pop in the door. In the hours preceding their grand arrival, I'm usually pacing the floor hoping I haven't forgotten anything. In between getting the groceries, changing the sheets, preparing the meal, and setting the table; I am all joy! Just ask my husband. I love doing things to make their stay more pleasant! In my mind everything should be just right. Next to my husband, they are my joy, my fun, my treasure.
Ever think that might be the same way God looks at us? When He knows we are coming to spend time with Him, how do you think He feels? When He knows we are going to plop on His royal couch, do you think He makes sure the pillows are fluffed? When He thinks we are getting ready to call, doesn't He make sure the line is not busy? We are His creation, He desires to care for us, to make us happy, just as we desire to care for and make our children happy. He wants everything to be just right for us, as well.
Needless to say, we had a fantastic weekend. The meals were fab, the sunrises splendid. Every moment was a blessing. But just like the weeks, the weekends move by too quickly. Before we knew it, it was time for them to head home, back to their dwelling places. While our doors are always open to them, they have places of their own, ones that they call home. It's sad but it's true.
As we said our goodbyes, as usual a sadness filled my heart. A feeling of uncertainty as to when we will see them again. At least two of them are close by and time probably won't be too long, but for our youngest, our Soldier; with him is where my uncertainty lies. I will see him again this week before he leaves, but after that who knows when our next meeting will be? Two years seems like forever, not sure if I can hold out that long. We'll see. At least one thing is for certain, in one thing I am confidant, that I will see him again. I just hope it's sooner than later!
Let's Talk.
Author, Terri Otterman
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