With September 11th just around the corner, we are reminded never to forget 911 and the great sacrifice many went through on that tragic day. For the good of our country, we must remember the thousand's of lives that were lost and saved. We are told never to forget Martin Luther King and how he lead the Civil Rights movement, and George Washington our first President, and our founding fathers for the many great things they have done for our country. And on and on I could go.
But what about the One that came to die so we could live? What about the baby lying in the manger who was sent to save the world? He is the One I want to remember as long as my nostrils breathe. He is the One I long to see when my body is deep in the grave.
1 John 4:9-10
New Living Translation (NLT)
9 God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him. 10 This is real love—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.
When I was young, I didn't feel the need to have Him in my life. I was having a great time, living the life, until one day I realized I couldn't make it on my own. That day, I knelt at the altar, I poured my life and all that I was out to Him. I asked His forgiveness for my many faults. I surrendered! And He heard my cry. For that I am forever grateful.
I will never forget the tragedies of 911, and the ones that followed. It is important that we always keep the families of the lost in our hearts, minds and prayers. We owe them at least that. But more so, I will always be indebted to my Lord and Savior. He is the One who gave all just for me! He is the One, that even if I was the only one in need of a Savior, He'd do it all again.
Thank you Lord. My love remains for you, always.
Let's talk
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