Thursday, April 30, 2020

How Could He?

How could he? I imagine Peter ,must have felt that way after he denied Christ the third time. He had to have just wanted to run and hide under a rock, or dig a deep hole and bury himself. The sorrow, the disappointment, the anger must have been unbearable, at least it would have been for me. Jesus foretold it, he heard him, he witnessed it. One of his closest friends, or so he thought, acting as though he'd never known him;  and during his greatest time of need.
 As Jesus hung on the cross, about to breathe his last breath, if you read between the lines, I'm sure he must have said,  "It's okay Peter, it's supposed to be this way. I still love you, everything is going to be okay."

 Luke 23:34 Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” And they divided His garments and cast lots.

 Have you ever hurt someone like that?  Does your mind race with the thought, will they ever forgive me?  If that person is till alive, please, go to them and ask for pardon. You might be surprised.

 Mark 11:25:  “And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses.

Do you pray? That sounds like a crazy question. It seems everyone prays at one time or another. So, that being said, if you do, do you pray with a clear conscience? As you ask God for favor, do you ask for forgiveness as well?
We are all sinners, let's face it, we were born that way. Our desires, our wants, our selves are usually top priority. We have Adam and Eve to thank for that, right? But does that mean we have to follow in their footsteps?

Christ's death gave us a better way. His sacrifice paid for all our wrongdoings. Do we then have pardon for the asking? Yes. But we must ask, and believe, and we must also forgive. ~Let's Talk

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