I find myself in a state of mind that even I cannot shake. It gets frustrating when I don't meet my own expectations. Isn't that how we are? Sometimes I am the hardest, most critical person of me. But why is this? Why are we not satisfied with who we are?
I was reading the other day that to consistently praise a child, or anyone, generically can do more damage than good. Let me explain the way I read the article or at least, my take on it.
If I tell my child over and over, "you are beautiful, you are smart, you did a great job" when he excels or not, isn't that just showing my love for him, especially if I truly mean it in my heart?
Well...maybe not. What the article writer was saying, is this, that kind of praise can be more damaging than saying, "Wow, I can see how hard you worked on this math and I am proud of you". In other words, if my son receives a "D" on his test and I only acknowledge an "A" as being acceptable, when he receives a lower than acceptable grade, and I respond accordingly, he might feel less than amazing and like a failure. Make sense?
Growing up if we earned and A on our report card, we got maybe 50 cents, B - 25 and C 10. for D's nothing and F in trouble! If my siblings got straight A's and I earned B's and C's, or even a D, I did not receive as a much dough and it made me feel less successful! Nogt saying this is right or wrong, it was the way our parents knew, to make us try harder next time.
Even today, a clerk who works at a fast food restaurant, is often looked upon as less successful than a Bank Manager or CEO of a company. It is the way the world looks at success, and to me that is not the right way. Truth is, not everyone in this life can or will reach the top, whatever or wherever the top might be. There is just not enough room.
I am so thankful that we have the assurance from our Lord that we are good enough and we will make it to the top. I am grateful that He tells me in His Word that I can do all things because He gives me the strength ( Phil. 4:13)
"The Lord will make you the head, not the tail. If you pay attention to the commands of the Lord your God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom." (Deut. 28:13)
The assuring hymn states;"Just as I am, without one plea
But that Thy blood was shed for me
And that Thou bid'st me come to Thee
O Lamb of God, I come! I come"...
When I accept His invitation to follow Him, I am accepted, just as I am. I do not have to clean up and dress in my best attire. He takes me and you, in our muddy mess. Every day he molds us, and makes us more like him. We do have to bend a bit, we do have to heed his instruction, we do have to do our part, but we do not have to be perfect. That is the best part.
Isnt that truly how we, as parents love our own children? we love and accept them with every imperfection, after every failure? Is seems,our love grows even stronger during their tough times, or at least mine does.
So now, when I am frustrated about where I am in this life, whether I am good enough, or if I'm going to reach my next goal, I can breathe knowing I've already received the best prize of all. I will spend eternity with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ at the top, and there is plenty of room left for you too! ~Let's Talk
So now, when I am frustrated about where I am in this life, whether I am good enough, or if I'm going to reach my next goal, I can breathe knowing I've already received the best prize of all. I will spend eternity with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ at the top, and there is plenty of room left for you too! ~Let's Talk
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