"Avoid immorality. Any other sin man commits does not affect his body, but the man who is guilty of sexual immorality sins against his own body. Don't you know that your body is the temple of the Holy spirit, who lives in you and who was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourselves but to God; He bought you for a price. So use your bodies for God's glory."
I Corinthians 6:18-20
The Definition of immoral is: "not in conformity with accepted principles of right and wrong behavior, wicked, not in conformity with the accepted standards of proper sexual behavior; unchaste; lewd.:"
Unchaste means: lack of chastity.
Chastity means: abstention from unlawful sexual behavior, abstention from sexual intercourse, purity in conduct and intention.
Abstention is the act or practice of abstaining.
Abstain is to refrain deliberately and often with an effort of self-denial from an action or practice.
Abstinence is a habitual abstaining from something such as: foods, alcohol and immoral conduct. It's an abstention from sexual intercourse.
Why would you not respect yourself by giving your body to someone other than your husband or wife? Why would you not love the One who created you enough to abstain from sexual sin? You not only hurt yourself in the long run but your partners as well as your God.
Thank you for opening my blog and actually reading it! I love what I do and that is write. My prayer is that whoever opens and reads the words on these pages, will be blessed, changed, and inspired.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Blessed Are They Who Have Not Seen And Believed
Today's message at church was amazing! Cameron spoke about doubting Thomas and that most of his life he really wasn't a doubter. The church actually gave him that name not Jesus or his family. Thomas doubted that Jesus was alive because he saw Jesus die right before his eyes. Thomas saw all the pain and anguish Christ went through. He saw Him give up His Spirit and take His last breath. He knew His Teacher had died.
The first time Jesus came to visit His disciples, Thomas wasn't there. Why? Maybe because he was so hurt that his Lord had left him, maybe because he couldn't bear the pain. How many times do we leave the very One who saved us because He didn't answer our prayer the way we thought He should? Or, life didn't turn out the way we hoped it would or because the struggles are more than we care to bear?
Thomas said, I won't believe Jesus is alive unless I see the holes on His hands and the pierce in his side. So what did our ever faithful Jesus do? He appeared again and showed his friend exactly what he was asking for. then and only then did Thomas believe. Christ's words to Thomas were these: "Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed."
Do you believe only in the things you can see or can you believe in the invisible? Have you placed your trust and belief in the only true God who set the universe in place or are you the touchy feely kind that believes in nothing that can't be seen? Can you look around and know that what you see is only here by a divine miracle or do you believe in the big bang theory?
"Blessed are they that have not seen, yet believed."
I want to be blessed, do you?
The first time Jesus came to visit His disciples, Thomas wasn't there. Why? Maybe because he was so hurt that his Lord had left him, maybe because he couldn't bear the pain. How many times do we leave the very One who saved us because He didn't answer our prayer the way we thought He should? Or, life didn't turn out the way we hoped it would or because the struggles are more than we care to bear?
Thomas said, I won't believe Jesus is alive unless I see the holes on His hands and the pierce in his side. So what did our ever faithful Jesus do? He appeared again and showed his friend exactly what he was asking for. then and only then did Thomas believe. Christ's words to Thomas were these: "Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed."
Do you believe only in the things you can see or can you believe in the invisible? Have you placed your trust and belief in the only true God who set the universe in place or are you the touchy feely kind that believes in nothing that can't be seen? Can you look around and know that what you see is only here by a divine miracle or do you believe in the big bang theory?
"Blessed are they that have not seen, yet believed."
I want to be blessed, do you?
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Have You Been Commissioned?
I received this e-mail the other day from Jason Brown, the Director of Highland’s County’s Youth for Christ.
This is what it read: “Today, 21 Middle School Students made first time decisions to follow Jesus at about 8:15 am- Tuesday March 25…God Bless your Tuesday!Jason”
What an amazing report! God is truly working in our young people. He is changing lives. Through the willing YFC staff, each week, He is making Himself known on middle and high school campuses throughout Highlands County.
I am often annoyed with the fact that many people think teens are a nuisance and have no value. I am here to tell you that is far from the truth. As a volunteer with YFC leading a group of beautiful young ladies in what is known as “Girl Talk” I have come to know some pretty awesome teenagers. I believe what God’s word says: “He has set eternity in their heart” (Ecc. 3:11). I am seeing firsthand that He is raising up a generation on fire for His truths and willing to share His promises. It is truly a blessing and an honor to spend time each week with these fine ladies; sharing Christ’s love with them and receiving the same in return.
In attending the YFC Staff meeting this evening I heard reports of the many student leaders who facilitate Bible Studies on their own time, as well as 250+ students who are praying around the flag poles of their schools each week. God is doing some amazing things.
Jesus told His disciples of the great commission in the book of Matthew chapter 28:19-20: “Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and lo. I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”
In these two verses Jesus is laying out the command for all of us. We are to go, teach and baptize. Just as His disciples were to observe all that He commanded them, so are we. Do we have to be great scholars to share the Good News? No. Do we have to have some form of degree to share God’s love? No. Do we have to be a Pastor? No. All we have to be is one of His children and have a willing heart. A heart that says “Yes Lord” I’ll go.”
“Also, I heard the voice of the Lord saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I, send me.” Isaiah 6:8
You must read the whole chapter six to understand the full meaning of the verse above. I’ll attempt to give you a brief description of what is taking place. Isaiah was in the presence of God and immediately, he realized how dirty in sin he was. He was convicted and therefore repented. God in His loving mercy cleansed him and then sent him on his mission: to share the Good News with a rebellious world; a people who would not accept the Messiah to come for who He truly was. Sound familiar? Much like our commission today right? Fortunately, there are many young receptive hearts desiring to know that someone loves and cares for them. What a privilege to be used by our Heavenly Father, in leading these teens not only to their Savior but to a life that is forever changed, as well.
If you are seeking an avenue to be used by God and are being called in the direction of youth ministry, I encourage you to pray about Youth for Christ. Ask God if this is where He’d have you serve either financially or physically and then when confirmation is given, e-mail me and I’ll put you in touch with the right people. May God richly bless you as you seek to serve, as Christ commissioned. Let’s make disciples of young people who can truly make a difference in their world. You don't have to live in my area. Youth For Christ is in many cities and towns. My e-mail address is terriotterman@hotmail.com
This is what it read: “Today, 21 Middle School Students made first time decisions to follow Jesus at about 8:15 am- Tuesday March 25…God Bless your Tuesday!Jason”
What an amazing report! God is truly working in our young people. He is changing lives. Through the willing YFC staff, each week, He is making Himself known on middle and high school campuses throughout Highlands County.
I am often annoyed with the fact that many people think teens are a nuisance and have no value. I am here to tell you that is far from the truth. As a volunteer with YFC leading a group of beautiful young ladies in what is known as “Girl Talk” I have come to know some pretty awesome teenagers. I believe what God’s word says: “He has set eternity in their heart” (Ecc. 3:11). I am seeing firsthand that He is raising up a generation on fire for His truths and willing to share His promises. It is truly a blessing and an honor to spend time each week with these fine ladies; sharing Christ’s love with them and receiving the same in return.
In attending the YFC Staff meeting this evening I heard reports of the many student leaders who facilitate Bible Studies on their own time, as well as 250+ students who are praying around the flag poles of their schools each week. God is doing some amazing things.
Jesus told His disciples of the great commission in the book of Matthew chapter 28:19-20: “Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and lo. I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”
In these two verses Jesus is laying out the command for all of us. We are to go, teach and baptize. Just as His disciples were to observe all that He commanded them, so are we. Do we have to be great scholars to share the Good News? No. Do we have to have some form of degree to share God’s love? No. Do we have to be a Pastor? No. All we have to be is one of His children and have a willing heart. A heart that says “Yes Lord” I’ll go.”
“Also, I heard the voice of the Lord saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I, send me.” Isaiah 6:8
You must read the whole chapter six to understand the full meaning of the verse above. I’ll attempt to give you a brief description of what is taking place. Isaiah was in the presence of God and immediately, he realized how dirty in sin he was. He was convicted and therefore repented. God in His loving mercy cleansed him and then sent him on his mission: to share the Good News with a rebellious world; a people who would not accept the Messiah to come for who He truly was. Sound familiar? Much like our commission today right? Fortunately, there are many young receptive hearts desiring to know that someone loves and cares for them. What a privilege to be used by our Heavenly Father, in leading these teens not only to their Savior but to a life that is forever changed, as well.
If you are seeking an avenue to be used by God and are being called in the direction of youth ministry, I encourage you to pray about Youth for Christ. Ask God if this is where He’d have you serve either financially or physically and then when confirmation is given, e-mail me and I’ll put you in touch with the right people. May God richly bless you as you seek to serve, as Christ commissioned. Let’s make disciples of young people who can truly make a difference in their world. You don't have to live in my area. Youth For Christ is in many cities and towns. My e-mail address is terriotterman@hotmail.com
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Place your life in His Mercy and grace
“I can never escape from your spirit! I can never get away from your presence. If I ride in the wings of the morning, if I dwell by the farthest oceans, even there your hand will guide me, and your strength will support me.” Psalm 139:7, 9-10 NLT
Do you ever just feel like running away? Do you wish you could hide someplace where no one will ever find you? Have the cares of this world ever gotten so bad that you want to go to sleep and not wake-up until they are all over? Ever want to trade your life for someone else’s?
I began writing as a young girl. What I wrote about was not the things I write about today rather the aches my heart lived on a daily basis. I remember feeling lonely. I had surface friends but never true friends, never the kind that would stick through thick and thin. After high school, we all went our separate ways some to college, I got married. Life was good. Then one day my world fell apart and all I’d dreamed of was crushed. That’s life, they say and life goes on.
I had come to know Christ some years before and I thought I’d known Him pretty well. I truly thought that I was exempt from the heartaches. I thought for sure that finally my life was headed for happiness. I just knew that great things were going to happen and many did. Likewise disappointments. It took a good while but just as God promises, He picked me back up and set my feet on solid ground. And life has been on an uphill journey ever since, one of joy, love, peace and contentment, along with an occasional chaotic moment. Though my world at times is quite crazy and I am unsure of what my future on earth holds, I am certain of my heavenly future. I am sure of the life ever after. I am certain, because I am His girl! His love for me is unfailing, I am the apple of His eye and He is wild about me (and you). He created us for the purpose of sharing an intimate relationship with Him. He desires us. He longs for us. He dreams about us. His word says He knit us carefully in our mother’s womb. (Psalm 139) And “Us” means you and me.
As you face the trials of this unpredictable world, when you think your life is not worth living, think again. When you feel you are unloved and forgotten, think again. When you tread through piles of heartache that seem to go on forever, look up. Look up to the One who is looking down at you. He sees your every cry; He feels your every pain. He knows disappointment like you’ve never known. He, the One who controls the Universe is able to pick you up out of the miry pit. He longs to set your feet on solid ground, His ground. He beckons, “Seek Me, cast your cares on my shoulders, look in My face and I will rescue you.”
There is nowhere we can hide that He can’t find us. We can’t out run Him nor can we trade places with someone else. If we go to the ends of the earth, He will find us. If we turn to the left, He is there. When we think that death would be better, He promises life. He has set our path exactly the way it is turning out even though we don’t understand it. We must run and never give up, all the way to the finish line. As we place our lives in His mercy and grace, we can be sure of a glorious future, made in Heaven.
Do you ever just feel like running away? Do you wish you could hide someplace where no one will ever find you? Have the cares of this world ever gotten so bad that you want to go to sleep and not wake-up until they are all over? Ever want to trade your life for someone else’s?
I began writing as a young girl. What I wrote about was not the things I write about today rather the aches my heart lived on a daily basis. I remember feeling lonely. I had surface friends but never true friends, never the kind that would stick through thick and thin. After high school, we all went our separate ways some to college, I got married. Life was good. Then one day my world fell apart and all I’d dreamed of was crushed. That’s life, they say and life goes on.
I had come to know Christ some years before and I thought I’d known Him pretty well. I truly thought that I was exempt from the heartaches. I thought for sure that finally my life was headed for happiness. I just knew that great things were going to happen and many did. Likewise disappointments. It took a good while but just as God promises, He picked me back up and set my feet on solid ground. And life has been on an uphill journey ever since, one of joy, love, peace and contentment, along with an occasional chaotic moment. Though my world at times is quite crazy and I am unsure of what my future on earth holds, I am certain of my heavenly future. I am sure of the life ever after. I am certain, because I am His girl! His love for me is unfailing, I am the apple of His eye and He is wild about me (and you). He created us for the purpose of sharing an intimate relationship with Him. He desires us. He longs for us. He dreams about us. His word says He knit us carefully in our mother’s womb. (Psalm 139) And “Us” means you and me.
As you face the trials of this unpredictable world, when you think your life is not worth living, think again. When you feel you are unloved and forgotten, think again. When you tread through piles of heartache that seem to go on forever, look up. Look up to the One who is looking down at you. He sees your every cry; He feels your every pain. He knows disappointment like you’ve never known. He, the One who controls the Universe is able to pick you up out of the miry pit. He longs to set your feet on solid ground, His ground. He beckons, “Seek Me, cast your cares on my shoulders, look in My face and I will rescue you.”
There is nowhere we can hide that He can’t find us. We can’t out run Him nor can we trade places with someone else. If we go to the ends of the earth, He will find us. If we turn to the left, He is there. When we think that death would be better, He promises life. He has set our path exactly the way it is turning out even though we don’t understand it. We must run and never give up, all the way to the finish line. As we place our lives in His mercy and grace, we can be sure of a glorious future, made in Heaven.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Time to spring our clocks ahead
I can't believe another week has come and gone, where does the time go? Speaking of time, I have this nifty clock in my bedroom that somehow knows that tonight is the night for springing forward. This clock is so smart that at 11:00PM it automatically skipped and hour (which means this week not only sped by but we all lost an hour of it in the shuffle) and went to 12:00AM! I don't know what brain figured invented this remarkable object but all hats must go off to him or her! I think it's totally amazing how such a little thing that we take for granted actually exists! Fortunately, we live in an age that reminds us on the correct day that it is time to spring our clocks forward and likewise when they are to fall back.
The Bible says in Mark 13:32 "But of that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in Heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone." it goes on to say in verse 35: "Therefore be on alert-for you do not know when the master of the house is coming, whether in the evening, at midnight or when the rooster crows-in the morning-in case He should come suddenly and find you asleep.What I say to you, I say to all, Be on alert."
WE know that Jesus is coming back to take His bride home one day. What the Word of God tells us is that we do not know when. The very reason we are to be sure we are alive, awake and ready. Are you ready? Have you taken the necessary step to assure you will be wearing God's wedding ring? Have you done all it takes to assure your place at Heaven's wedding feast? Good night or should I say~Good morning?
The Bible says in Mark 13:32 "But of that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in Heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone." it goes on to say in verse 35: "Therefore be on alert-for you do not know when the master of the house is coming, whether in the evening, at midnight or when the rooster crows-in the morning-in case He should come suddenly and find you asleep.What I say to you, I say to all, Be on alert."
WE know that Jesus is coming back to take His bride home one day. What the Word of God tells us is that we do not know when. The very reason we are to be sure we are alive, awake and ready. Are you ready? Have you taken the necessary step to assure you will be wearing God's wedding ring? Have you done all it takes to assure your place at Heaven's wedding feast? Good night or should I say~Good morning?
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Delight yourself in the Lord.

I was woken up by a somewhat disturbing dream. It seems the job I was working at was in the process of firing me. In the dream several people were rummaging through my desk and throwing my things in the trash. Pens without the business logo on them, papers and notebooks, my jacket that hung on the b ack of my chair. Why, I couldn't figure it out. ThenI woke up.
Thank God I don't have to worry about that happening right now because I am unemployed! Since the closing of Blessings, I have had the privilege of working on "God Things".
1) God has allowed me to once again lead the GirlTalk group at Sebring High School. I meet every week with about 20 young women and share Christ's love and spend fellowship time with them. I love those girls!!
2) I also have had the honor to be the Mentor at our Sebring M.O.P.S. Group that meets at our church every other week on Thursday mornings.
3) I am so excited about our Monday morning Bible study group. Here we have learned how to Believe God, Break free and Live a Beautiful life for Jesus. Next we will be studying how to be a woman after God's heart.
I wonder why we have dreams at night. I wonder what if anything they supposedly mean. Is is because something is on our mind, in the depths of our being or just a fluke?
My sister-in-law said she dreamed she and her brother saved the world from Aliens!!
I am so excited that the real dreams that I have imbedded in my heart, the ones that maybe no one else knows are still known by my heavenly father. He knows and He cares. Every one may not come true as I desire but I am confident that the ones that are supposed to-will.
The Bible says, "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4
Thank God I don't have to worry about that happening right now because I am unemployed! Since the closing of Blessings, I have had the privilege of working on "God Things".
1) God has allowed me to once again lead the GirlTalk group at Sebring High School. I meet every week with about 20 young women and share Christ's love and spend fellowship time with them. I love those girls!!
2) I also have had the honor to be the Mentor at our Sebring M.O.P.S. Group that meets at our church every other week on Thursday mornings.
3) I am so excited about our Monday morning Bible study group. Here we have learned how to Believe God, Break free and Live a Beautiful life for Jesus. Next we will be studying how to be a woman after God's heart.
I wonder why we have dreams at night. I wonder what if anything they supposedly mean. Is is because something is on our mind, in the depths of our being or just a fluke?
My sister-in-law said she dreamed she and her brother saved the world from Aliens!!
I am so excited that the real dreams that I have imbedded in my heart, the ones that maybe no one else knows are still known by my heavenly father. He knows and He cares. Every one may not come true as I desire but I am confident that the ones that are supposed to-will.
The Bible says, "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4
Will you place your trust in His mercy and grace today
“I can never escape from your spirit! I can never get away from your presence. If I ride in the wings of the morning, if I dwell by the farthest oceans, even there your hand will guide me, and your strength will support me.” Psalm 139:7, 9-10 NLT
Do you ever just feel like running away? Do you wish you could hide someplace where no one will ever find you? Have the cares of this world ever gotten so bad that you want to go to sleep and not wake-up until they are all over? Ever want to trade your life for someone else’s?
I remember as a teenage girl somewhere between the age of sixteen and eighteen, I wanted to run away. I wanted to hide where no one could ever find me. I just knew that life would be better if I could get out on my own, away from little sister and brother, away from chores and homework, away from the nagging feeling that tugged at my heart; the one that constantly said; “You are not loved and you are certainly not good enough.” As a teen, I felt like nothing I did was ever good enough, nothing made a positive impact on my life or those around me. I lived a sheltered life of sadness and depression and I just wanted to give it all up.
I began writing as a young girl. What I wrote about was not the things I write about today rather the aches my heart lived on a daily basis. I wrote about boyfriends I dreamed of and love gone bad. I wrote about what it would be like to be noticed and admired. I remember crying a lot because I felt so lonely. I had surface friends but never true friends, never the kind that would stick through thick and thin. After high school they were no more, partly my fault and partly theirs. We all went our separate ways some to college and one (namely me) got married. I just knew that I had finally found my happily ever after. Until one day my world fell apart and all I’d ever dreamed of was over, partly my fault and partly his.
I had come to know Christ some years before and I thought I’d known Him pretty well. I truly thought that I was exempt from the heartaches I’d known in the past. I thought for sure that finally my life was headed for happiness.
I just knew that now great things were going to happen. Well, many great things did happen but likewise disaster. It took a good while for me to get back up after so many blows but just as my God promises, He picked me back up and set my feet on solid ground. And I can honestly say my life has been on an uphill journey ever since, a journey of joy, love, peace and contentment but let’s not forget the occasional chaos. Though my world at times is quite crazy and I am unsure of what my future here on earth holds, I am certain of my heavenly future. I am sure of the life ever after. The one where I get to spend eternity with the Lover of my soul! I know without a doubt that He has a place already picked out for me up there in the sweet by and by. And I bet you, I can look out my window and see His big, velvety, white, fluffy, cushy chair! That’s how close my house is going to be to His, I just know it, because He loves me! His love for me is unfailing, I am the apple of His eye and He is wild about me (and you). He created us for the soul purpose of sharing an intimate relationship with Him. He desires us. He longs for us. He dreams about us. His word says He knit us carefully in our mother’s womb. (Psalm 139) Us means you and me.
As you face the trials of this unpredictable world, when you think your life is not worth living, think again. When you feel you are unloved and forgotten, think again. When you tread through piles of heartache that seem to go on forever, look up. Look up to the One who is looking down at you. He sees your every cry; He feels your every pain. He knows disappointment like you’ve never known. He, the One who controls the Universe is able to pick you up out of the miry pit. He longs to set your feet on solid ground, His ground. He beckons, “Seek Me, cast your cares on my shoulders, look in My face and I will rescue you.”
The words to this famous hymn are ringing in my ears right now:
“Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.”
There is nowhere we can hide that He can’t find us. We can’t out run Him nor can we trade places with someone else. If we go to the ends of the earth, He will find us. If we turn to the left, He is there. When we think that death would be better, He promises life. He has set our path exactly the way it is turning out even though we don’t understand it. We must run and never give up, all the way to the finish line. As we place our trust in His mercy and grace, we can be sure of a glorious future, a future made in Heaven. Our own place, the place He specifically picked out for each one, right next to His big, velvety, white, fluffy, cushy chair.
Do you ever just feel like running away? Do you wish you could hide someplace where no one will ever find you? Have the cares of this world ever gotten so bad that you want to go to sleep and not wake-up until they are all over? Ever want to trade your life for someone else’s?
I remember as a teenage girl somewhere between the age of sixteen and eighteen, I wanted to run away. I wanted to hide where no one could ever find me. I just knew that life would be better if I could get out on my own, away from little sister and brother, away from chores and homework, away from the nagging feeling that tugged at my heart; the one that constantly said; “You are not loved and you are certainly not good enough.” As a teen, I felt like nothing I did was ever good enough, nothing made a positive impact on my life or those around me. I lived a sheltered life of sadness and depression and I just wanted to give it all up.
I began writing as a young girl. What I wrote about was not the things I write about today rather the aches my heart lived on a daily basis. I wrote about boyfriends I dreamed of and love gone bad. I wrote about what it would be like to be noticed and admired. I remember crying a lot because I felt so lonely. I had surface friends but never true friends, never the kind that would stick through thick and thin. After high school they were no more, partly my fault and partly theirs. We all went our separate ways some to college and one (namely me) got married. I just knew that I had finally found my happily ever after. Until one day my world fell apart and all I’d ever dreamed of was over, partly my fault and partly his.
I had come to know Christ some years before and I thought I’d known Him pretty well. I truly thought that I was exempt from the heartaches I’d known in the past. I thought for sure that finally my life was headed for happiness.
I just knew that now great things were going to happen. Well, many great things did happen but likewise disaster. It took a good while for me to get back up after so many blows but just as my God promises, He picked me back up and set my feet on solid ground. And I can honestly say my life has been on an uphill journey ever since, a journey of joy, love, peace and contentment but let’s not forget the occasional chaos. Though my world at times is quite crazy and I am unsure of what my future here on earth holds, I am certain of my heavenly future. I am sure of the life ever after. The one where I get to spend eternity with the Lover of my soul! I know without a doubt that He has a place already picked out for me up there in the sweet by and by. And I bet you, I can look out my window and see His big, velvety, white, fluffy, cushy chair! That’s how close my house is going to be to His, I just know it, because He loves me! His love for me is unfailing, I am the apple of His eye and He is wild about me (and you). He created us for the soul purpose of sharing an intimate relationship with Him. He desires us. He longs for us. He dreams about us. His word says He knit us carefully in our mother’s womb. (Psalm 139) Us means you and me.
As you face the trials of this unpredictable world, when you think your life is not worth living, think again. When you feel you are unloved and forgotten, think again. When you tread through piles of heartache that seem to go on forever, look up. Look up to the One who is looking down at you. He sees your every cry; He feels your every pain. He knows disappointment like you’ve never known. He, the One who controls the Universe is able to pick you up out of the miry pit. He longs to set your feet on solid ground, His ground. He beckons, “Seek Me, cast your cares on my shoulders, look in My face and I will rescue you.”
The words to this famous hymn are ringing in my ears right now:
“Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.”
There is nowhere we can hide that He can’t find us. We can’t out run Him nor can we trade places with someone else. If we go to the ends of the earth, He will find us. If we turn to the left, He is there. When we think that death would be better, He promises life. He has set our path exactly the way it is turning out even though we don’t understand it. We must run and never give up, all the way to the finish line. As we place our trust in His mercy and grace, we can be sure of a glorious future, a future made in Heaven. Our own place, the place He specifically picked out for each one, right next to His big, velvety, white, fluffy, cushy chair.
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