Sunday, March 30, 2008

Blessed Are They Who Have Not Seen And Believed

Today's message at church was amazing! Cameron spoke about doubting Thomas and that most of his life he really wasn't a doubter. The church actually gave him that name not Jesus or his family. Thomas doubted that Jesus was alive because he saw Jesus die right before his eyes. Thomas saw all the pain and anguish Christ went through. He saw Him give up His Spirit and take His last breath. He knew His Teacher had died.
The first time Jesus came to visit His disciples, Thomas wasn't there. Why? Maybe because he was so hurt that his Lord had left him, maybe because he couldn't bear the pain. How many times do we leave the very One who saved us because He didn't answer our prayer the way we thought He should? Or, life didn't turn out the way we hoped it would or because the struggles are more than we care to bear?
Thomas said, I won't believe Jesus is alive unless I see the holes on His hands and the pierce in his side. So what did our ever faithful Jesus do? He appeared again and showed his friend exactly what he was asking for. then and only then did Thomas believe. Christ's words to Thomas were these: "Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed."
Do you believe only in the things you can see or can you believe in the invisible? Have you placed your trust and belief in the only true God who set the universe in place or are you the touchy feely kind that believes in nothing that can't be seen? Can you look around and know that what you see is only here by a divine miracle or do you believe in the big bang theory?
"Blessed are they that have not seen, yet believed."
I want to be blessed, do you?

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