I was woken up by a somewhat disturbing dream. It seems the job I was working at was in the process of firing me. In the dream several people were rummaging through my desk and throwing my things in the trash. Pens without the business logo on them, papers and notebooks, my jacket that hung on the b ack of my chair. Why, I couldn't figure it out. ThenI woke up.
Thank God I don't have to worry about that happening right now because I am unemployed! Since the closing of Blessings, I have had the privilege of working on "God Things".
1) God has allowed me to once again lead the GirlTalk group at Sebring High School. I meet every week with about 20 young women and share Christ's love and spend fellowship time with them. I love those girls!!
2) I also have had the honor to be the Mentor at our Sebring M.O.P.S. Group that meets at our church every other week on Thursday mornings.
3) I am so excited about our Monday morning Bible study group. Here we have learned how to Believe God, Break free and Live a Beautiful life for Jesus. Next we will be studying how to be a woman after God's heart.
I wonder why we have dreams at night. I wonder what if anything they supposedly mean. Is is because something is on our mind, in the depths of our being or just a fluke?
My sister-in-law said she dreamed she and her brother saved the world from Aliens!!
I am so excited that the real dreams that I have imbedded in my heart, the ones that maybe no one else knows are still known by my heavenly father. He knows and He cares. Every one may not come true as I desire but I am confident that the ones that are supposed to-will.
The Bible says, "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4
Thank God I don't have to worry about that happening right now because I am unemployed! Since the closing of Blessings, I have had the privilege of working on "God Things".
1) God has allowed me to once again lead the GirlTalk group at Sebring High School. I meet every week with about 20 young women and share Christ's love and spend fellowship time with them. I love those girls!!
2) I also have had the honor to be the Mentor at our Sebring M.O.P.S. Group that meets at our church every other week on Thursday mornings.
3) I am so excited about our Monday morning Bible study group. Here we have learned how to Believe God, Break free and Live a Beautiful life for Jesus. Next we will be studying how to be a woman after God's heart.
I wonder why we have dreams at night. I wonder what if anything they supposedly mean. Is is because something is on our mind, in the depths of our being or just a fluke?
My sister-in-law said she dreamed she and her brother saved the world from Aliens!!
I am so excited that the real dreams that I have imbedded in my heart, the ones that maybe no one else knows are still known by my heavenly father. He knows and He cares. Every one may not come true as I desire but I am confident that the ones that are supposed to-will.
The Bible says, "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4
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