Tuesday, October 19, 2021


Sitting here at My Dream salon where so many times you sat and waited for me honey. I wish you were sitting here, up front today. I miss you so much! I am not really sure I want to go on without you! Now I truly know how and why the surviving spouse passes on, shortly after their spouse. It’s just so hard to continue. So lonely without you. ðŸ’”I wish this pain would end!I want to be happy for Brandon, for our kids and grandkids. I’m so sorry honey! I wish I could have done something to save you!

Maybe I did, way back when. 

I love you with all my being!

Sunday, October 17, 2021

I pray your life is sweet, 

your heart complete

your dreams come true

you're never blue. <3

You know what's hard?

Trying to find my place without you.