Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Place your life in His Mercy and grace

“I can never escape from your spirit! I can never get away from your presence. If I ride in the wings of the morning, if I dwell by the farthest oceans, even there your hand will guide me, and your strength will support me.” Psalm 139:7, 9-10 NLT

Do you ever just feel like running away? Do you wish you could hide someplace where no one will ever find you? Have the cares of this world ever gotten so bad that you want to go to sleep and not wake-up until they are all over? Ever want to trade your life for someone else’s?

I began writing as a young girl. What I wrote about was not the things I write about today rather the aches my heart lived on a daily basis. I remember feeling lonely. I had surface friends but never true friends, never the kind that would stick through thick and thin. After high school, we all went our separate ways some to college, I got married. Life was good. Then one day my world fell apart and all I’d dreamed of was crushed. That’s life, they say and life goes on.

I had come to know Christ some years before and I thought I’d known Him pretty well. I truly thought that I was exempt from the heartaches. I thought for sure that finally my life was headed for happiness. I just knew that great things were going to happen and many did. Likewise disappointments. It took a good while but just as God promises, He picked me back up and set my feet on solid ground. And life has been on an uphill journey ever since, one of joy, love, peace and contentment, along with an occasional chaotic moment. Though my world at times is quite crazy and I am unsure of what my future on earth holds, I am certain of my heavenly future. I am sure of the life ever after. I am certain, because I am His girl! His love for me is unfailing, I am the apple of His eye and He is wild about me (and you). He created us for the purpose of sharing an intimate relationship with Him. He desires us. He longs for us. He dreams about us. His word says He knit us carefully in our mother’s womb. (Psalm 139) And “Us” means you and me.

As you face the trials of this unpredictable world, when you think your life is not worth living, think again. When you feel you are unloved and forgotten, think again. When you tread through piles of heartache that seem to go on forever, look up. Look up to the One who is looking down at you. He sees your every cry; He feels your every pain. He knows disappointment like you’ve never known. He, the One who controls the Universe is able to pick you up out of the miry pit. He longs to set your feet on solid ground, His ground. He beckons, “Seek Me, cast your cares on my shoulders, look in My face and I will rescue you.”

There is nowhere we can hide that He can’t find us. We can’t out run Him nor can we trade places with someone else. If we go to the ends of the earth, He will find us. If we turn to the left, He is there. When we think that death would be better, He promises life. He has set our path exactly the way it is turning out even though we don’t understand it. We must run and never give up, all the way to the finish line. As we place our lives in His mercy and grace, we can be sure of a glorious future, made in Heaven.

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