Monday, January 11, 2021

Genuine Friends are Hard to Find

 It seems many people, reach out, invite, and try to make friends and end up hurt. Rejection is the killer of confidence, the destroyer of trust and what seems like, the end to happiness. Or is it?

There comes a time in a person’s life when the asking stops, inviting ceases and caring ends. It doesn’t matter if they don’t fit in, or are not part of “the group, or if they even have friends.  They are content where and who they are and have become.

The Bible says: “ in order for a friend to have friends, he must be friendly. There is one friend that sticks closer than a brother.” Genuine  friends are hard to find. One thing is for sure, Jesus is and always will be our best friend! 

Are you having trouble finding true friendships? Try being a little more friendly. Are you sitting in the sidelines wishing you could join in? Ask God to bring the friends who are supposed to be in your life. Several years ago, I did and God brought some amazing women to my life. I believe, if you ask, He will for you too. Let’s Talk

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