Thursday, February 24, 2022

 I’ve always been one to care for myself, not necessarily nails and pedis but my face and skin, yes.  As I am aging I notice care is a more difficult task. Skin is dryer, weight harder to lose, and yes, my emotions are more sensitive. I guess it’s because I’ve lost more loved ones than I care to believe, and my time too is running out. It’s important to remember, that our time is not over until God says it is. That our days are numbered, God’s  word tells us they are.

Psalm 139:16 states: “your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” NIV 

None of us really know when we will take our last breath, and what if we did? Would we then make each day count all the more? Would we love deeper and care harder? Why not begin today? We are not promised tomorrow on this earth. But one thing is for sure, as believers, we are promised Eternity. 

Let’s Talk.


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