Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Life is full of if only's

Have you ever gotten a gut feeling about something and you weren't quite sure why? It seems you knew in your heart something wasn't right (or wrong for that matter) and it nearly made you sick to your stomach?

A couple of years ago I had this very thing happen. It was when I had the shop and I was working alone. I remember it clearly as though it were yesterday. The couple came in and I greeted them as I did every other customer that walked through our doors. The moment they stepped inside I felt unrest in my spirit. I had a funny feeling that something wasn't right with them but chose to ignore it thinking that I was probably being silly.

I asked them if I there was anything I could do for them and walked around the counter as to get away from the register but failed to lock my office. They proceeded to tell me they were new believers in search for books on that topic, so I offered to lead them the way to the shelves. As we were walking the woman stated that she needed to use the restroom and proceeded in that direction. Rather than entering the door that said restroom she entered the private door and realized there was nothing there she wanted and then opened the door next to it. At the time I thought that strange but agian I ignored the feeling. As I worked with her partner in crime, she snuck up front un beknownst to me and helped herself into my unlocked office. She found my purse and stripped my walled of all credit cards but put everything back the way she found it except the cards, of course. I was unaware of the theft until early the next morning. This couple had a field day. They spent over $5,000 in a matter of 4 hours at local businesses and no one ever asked for ID! It was only because I was switching purses (something many women do, you know to match the outfit we are wearing) that I noticed the cards missing. Immediately I called the police and the long, drawn out process eventually cleared my name of the debt they procured. I don't wish theft on anyone not even my worst enemy if I had one, luckily I don't.

If I'd have only gone on my instincts and pushed the alarm, maybe that could have been prevented. But I didn't. We all live and learn.
How many times do we say if only? If only I didn't marry that man or if only I'd have stayed home tonight or if only I'd have used protection? Our lives are full of if only's. What we do with our if only's, is the key to our success or failure. Hopefully, we learn from them and don't make the same mistakes again. Unfortunately, it takes several times to sink in for many of us.

Quite often we have the chance to accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior but things get in our way. We might think I'll wait till after the paty Friday night or maybe when I get enough money, or maybe you might say when my kids get bigger I'll make the commitment or change. What are you waiting for? The Bible states that we are not promised tomorrow so if that is true what if tomorrow never comes for you? Will then those who bury you be saying: "If only he or she would have come to know the Lord, maybe this would not have happened or maybe then we would be assured that we'll see them again in heaven but it's too late now." Think about that and follow your gut or heart as it may be.

1 comment:

created2worship said...

No regrets...no if only's...it's all God's plan, He allows things for His purpose and it is in His timing, I agree we need to heed the voice of the Lord and when we don't we need to look at David's example to repent quickly so the enemy cannot work. Hope you are having a great week I will see you at church or on Monday at study.