Sunday, February 10, 2008

Best friends are God's Angels to us

Ever wonder why people come into our lives? Some stay longer than others and some go quickly both leaving an impression that never fades. I am reminded of two women that have touched my life deeply. These two ladies are "friends that loveth at all times" (Prov. 17:17) Through thick and thin we've stuck it out together propping each other up when necessary, taking our turns
loving and caring, rescuing from distress or providing a place of refuge when necessary. We've prayed for each other, lead each other to the Lord and shared our inner most secrets, ones that we've probably never shared with another. I can't express how much these two friends mean to me. I love them with all my heart just as Christ loves me and I am confident they feel the same. I said all that to say this: if you have a friend (or two), that has stuck by you over the years, one that maybe you are separated from by distance or time, remember them. Pick up the phone, give them a ring. Touch base and see what's going on in their world. Don't allow time and space to keep you apart. You might be surprised to find that you pick up right where you left off. Many times God puts "Angels" in our paths to show us how much He loves us and I am so grateful for the ones He has blessed me with! He truly knows what we need at the right time and is faithful to provide EVERY time.

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