Saturday, February 16, 2008

Ten dollars is ten dollars

Jim and I purchased something from a well known office store in St. Augustine yesterday. It did not do for us what it was supposed to do so before heading home to Sebring and losing our money we decided to return it at the place of purchase. I had been holding a $10 gift card from the name brand store and decided to use it at time of purchase. Just as I had feared when we made the return the store was not able to give us the $10 coupon back, hence we are out the gift money, which brings me to this point.

Salvation is eternal. In John 3:16 the Bible says "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life." Aren't you glad that your Salvation can never be taken away and the credit lasts way beyond your life on earth?
Just some food for thought.

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