Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Love sinners to Christ

Wow, it has been 9 very busy days since I last wrote, where does the time go? It is so easy to get caught up in doing so much that before you know it weeks go by.
Well, I'm glad to be back and pleased to announce my blender mysteriously appeared in the garage. I'm not necessarily concerned at this point how it got there just happy and grateful that it found it's way home. Its smoothie times again.

I wonder how many times we are actually excited about the fact that another soul found its way home into the Kingdom of God? When someone commits their life to the Giver of Life, what does it do to our spirit? We should be ecstatic when sinners come to Christ because that means there's less that will burn in hell.

But what about a Christian who has fallen away in sin? Do we condemn them or try our best to bring them back? Are we finger pointers or Jesus sharers? Do we rebuke them with clanging cybals or do we gently and lovingly nudge them back on track?

As believers, we must strive to look for the good in others. Sometimes that is difficult. When darkness fills a room, we must be the light. As we shine with Christ's love, darkness must flee.
When we bear the image of God in our lives and are walking in his ways, others notice. Likewise, when we are a known believer and fall, all eyes are upon us, some with condemnation, others with grief. It grieves me to see a man or woman of God, walk away. It also grieves Jesus. For that very reason, we are called to pick our brothers and sisters back up in love and set them on the Rock, which is Christ Jesus. We cannot force them but through prayer and love, God is faithful. He desires that none should perish and fall short of His glory. Let's be the light, let's love
sinners to Christ.

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